An overview of the early pamphlets published by Freedom Press. Written by Barry Pateman for Kate Sharpley Library.

Text from Kate Sharpley wiki. Links will be added to pamphlets available on Libcom.
What follows is based on the thorough work of Carl Sleinger1 . It is a bibliography of pamphlets published by Freedom Press between 1889 and 1923. I will add the later years in the next few weeks. Together with "Mother Earth" pamphlets and the pamphlets initiated by Benjamin Tucker published in the United States, Freedom Press pamphlets were responsible for introducing written anarchism to, initially, English speakers all over the world. A look at them might give us some clue to what people understood by anarchist communism and anarchism in that period. More on this later. Meanwhile here is the list:
Kropotkine, Peter - The Wage System December (Freedom pamphlet No 1)
(translation of Le Salariat in five issues "La Revolte . No 47 ( 26 August) 1888), No 48 ( 2 September 1888), No 49 (9 September 1888), Second series No 2 (23 September 1888), No 3 ( 30 September 1888)
A " New and Revised edition, 1909?
A "New" edition, 1920 text
Kropotkine, Peter The Commune of Paris March (Freedom pamphlet No 2)
(translation of La Commune de Paris" in Le Revolte 20th March 1880
"Freedom" April 1891 - musical concert arranged by William Wess at Berner St Club for the "Freedom" pamphlet fund.. Made 12/6d which, together with pre-paid orders from the Autonomie Club, Knights of Liberty and other groups paid the cost of "Freedom" pamphlet No 2 and left a small balance for No. 3
Second (?) edition, 1896 [PDF of 1895 edition is here]
Malatesta, Errico - A Talk About Anarchist Communism between Two Workers August (Freedom pamphlet No 3) text
(translation of Propaganda Socialista-Fra Contadini in "La Questione Sociale" September 1884.
"Revised and enlarged from the Third Italian edition"
Fifth Edition, 1894
By the Eighth edition(nd) it had become entitled "A Talk Between Two Workers"
Kropotkine, Peter - Anarchist Communism: Its Basis and Principles September (Freedom pamphlet No 4) [text is included in this anthology]
(A re-issue of The Scientific Basis of Anarchy in the "Nineteenth Century, February 1887 and The Coming Anarchy in "Nineteenth Century", August 1887. Printed at the New Fellowship Press, 26 Newington Green Road, London, N.
A Second edition 1895
A Third Edition 1897
A 1913 edition, unnumbered
A 1920 edition unnumbered
Malatesta, Errico - Anarchy October (Freedom pamphlet No 5) text
(translation of "L'Anarchia", London 1891)
Kropotkine, Peter - Anarchist Morality October (Freedom pamphlet No 6) [text is included in this anthology]
(translation of La Morale Anarchiste in "La Revolte" March1-16 April, 1890
A 1909 edition, unnumbered
An eighth edition 1912
A ninth edition 1917 with illustrated cover by Leonard Motler
Wilson, Charlotte - Anarchism and Outrage January? (Freedom pamphlet No 8) PDF [says 1893 on the cover?]
(a re-issue of "Anarchism and Moral Outrage" "Freedom", December 1893)
Second(?) edition,1909
Kropotkine, Peter - Expropriation March/April? (Freedom pamphlet No 7)
translation of L'Expropriation in "Le Revolte", July 1886. NB- this is a different text from the pamphlet of the same name published by International Publishing Company in 1886.
Bevington, Louise Sarah - An Anarchist manifesto. Issued by the London Anarchist Communist Alliance May? text and PDF
Bevington , Louise Sarah - Chiefly a Dialogue concerning some Difficulties of a Dunce August text
Etievant, Grave and Caserio - Anarchy on Trial December (Freedom pamphlet No 9)
translations of Declarations de G.Eteviant in "La Revolte 15-22,29th October,1892, Proces de La Sociale Mourante etc in "La Libre Parole" 25 February 1894
Landauer, Gustave - Social Democracy in Germany August/September?
(translation of Von Zurich nach London in "Der Sozialist" 1896 [text included in this anthology]
Morris, William - Useful Work v Useless Toil October/November? (The "Freedom" Library) text
First appeared as No 2 of The Socialist Platform. Socialist League Office,1886. The Freedom Press edition has exactly the same pagination
A second edition around 1900/1901
An undated reprint of The " Freedom" Library edition by William Reeves, publisher
A 1919 reprint of The "Freedom" Library edition by Judd Publishing Co.( Sydney) 1919
Morris, William - Monopoly, or How Labour is Robbed October/November? (The "Freedom" Library)
Kropotkin, Peter - Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal March (Freedom pamphlet No 10) [text is included in this anthology]
(translation of" L'Anarchie,Sa Philosophie,Son Ideal" Paris 1896
Spies et al - The Chicago Martyrs September text
'Published by T.Cantwell at 127 Ossulton St,N.W.,"Freedom Group" at 7 Lamb's Conduit Street,W.C. and of all Anarchist Groups"
This is the speech from the dock of August Spies.
Spanish Atrocities Committee - Revival of the Inquisition- Prefatory note by Edward Carpenter. December?
Kropotkin, Peter - The State: Its Historical Role September (Freedom pamphlet No 11) PDF
(translation of L'Etat:Son Role Historique in "Les Temps Nouveaux" No 19, 1896
A Fourth Edition 1912
Nettlau , Max - Responsibility and Solidarity in the Labor Struggle May? (Freedom pamphlet No 12) based on his article "New Tactics For Trade Unionists" ("Freedom", November 1897) "Responsibility and Solidarity in the Labor Struggle" was then serialised in "Freedom" of January-February 1900 and March-April 1900.
The pamphlet also had another article " a review of the policy lately discussed by the German Social Democracy and Edward Bernstein.
"Responsibility....." was serialised in "La Protesta" in Spanish (Buenos Aires) in 1903 and was reprinted as "La Responsebilita' e las Solidariera nella Lotta Operaia" Editrice L'Azione, Barre,Vt. 1913) in Italian.
Glasse, Henry - Socialism the Remedy April? ("Freedom" Library)
(Reprinted from "Freedom")
Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela - The Pyramid of Tyranny October (Freedom pamphlets No 13)
(translation of "De Pyramide der Tirannie" , Amsterdam,1901
A Second edition 1909
Kropotkin, Peter - Organised Vengeance called Justice together with Glasse, H The Superstition of Government April/May? ('Freedom" Library}
(translation of "L'Organisation de la Vindicte", Paris,1901
Kropotkin and Peter - Socialism and Politics June (Freedom pamphlets No 14)
Kropotkin, Peter - The Coming Revival of Socialism April? (Freedom pamphlet No 15)
(partly reprinted from "Freedom")
Libertas (A. A. Davies?) - The King and the Anarchist May
Walter, K (?) - The International Anarchist Congress Held at the Plancius Hall, Amsterdam December PDF
Pouget, Jean ,Joseph, Emile - The Basis of Trade Unionism March ('Voice of Labour" pamphlet) text
(translation of "Les Bases du Syndicalisme" , Paris,1902?
Chapelier, Emile and Marin, Gassy - Anarchists and the International Language Esperanto August
(translation of " Les Anarchistes et la Langue Internationale 'Esperanto"", Paris,1908
Smith, J. Blair - Direct Action Versus Legislation April
(2nd edition.First edition published by the "Free Action Anarchist Group", Glasgow,1899
A Third edition 1913
Swan, Tom - Kropotkin, the Man and his Message September
(reprinted from "The Milligate Monthly")
Bakunin, Michael - God and the State a new edition revised. February. text and PDF
(First published in Boston, 1883 by B. Tucker}
perfect bound Soft cover
Tcherkesoff, Varlaam, Nikolaevich - Concentration of Capital. A Marxian Fallacy January (Freedom pamphlet) PDF
(a chapter from his "Pages of Socialist History", New York,1902
Roller, Arnold - The Social General Strike April
(translation of Der Soziale Generalstreik", Berlin 1905
An "Anglicised version" of the edition published in New York by George Bauer in 1905
Anon - The Story of the Chicago Martyrs October (Freedom pamphlet)
Kropotkin, Peter - Modern Science and Anarchism December. [text is included in this anthology]
(translation of Russian edition published in London in 1901.The first English edition was published in 1903 in Philadelphia)
A Second edition 1923
Spencer, Herbert - The Right to Ignore the State December (Freedom pamphlet"
(Chapter omitted by the author in his 1892 revised edition of "Social Statics")
Wilkinson, Lily Gair - Women's Freedom May. PDF
Kropotkin, Peter - Wars and Capitalism August (Freedom pamphlet)
(a chapter of his "Modern Science and Anarchism" )
Barrett, George - The Anarchist Revolution May
(reprint of A General View of Anarchism in "Freedom")
(another edition, 1920) PDF
Wakeman, John - Anarchism and Democracy January (Freedom pamphlet")
Senex (W C Owen) - England Monopolised or England Free? May (Freedom pamphlet)
Barrett, George - Objections to Anarchism September (Freedom pamphlet) PDF
Owen, W. C. - Anarchism Versus Socialism June (Freedom pamphlet)
(first published in New York by the Mother Earth Publishing Association,1908)
Goldman, Emma - The Crushing of the Russian Revolution November
Kropotkin, Peter - Revolutionary Government June (Freedom pamphlet). text and 1943 edition PDF
(translation of Le Gouvernement pendant la Revolution in "Le Revolte" 1882
The first English edition was published in London by "Commonweal" in 1892
That'll do to start with. More later with sources of pamphlets, reprints of pamphlets and circulations etc etc
- 1Libcom note: Carl Slienger - "A Checklist of Freedom Press Publications 1886-1927" - attached below as PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest.