Gurgaon workers newsletter issue 38, with news, reports and analysis from India's special exploitation zone. Author Gurgaon Workers News Copied to clipboard Garment and Torment: Reports from Local Textile Workers Book traversal links for Gurgaon Workers News #38 - May 2011 The Re-Making of a Local Ruling Class Up Garment and Torment: Reports from Local Textile Workers Printer-friendly version India Gurgaon Workers News Comments
GurgaonWorkersNews no.21 – November 2009 Workers group's newsletter from India's special export zone, with workplace reports from the area and detailed coverage of the huge strikes of…
The real estate of urban wasteland in India Gurgaon workers news on development projects and company policies in India in January 2010.
Techy Wage increase attempt at Convergys in Gurgaon An account of an unsuccessful attempt of call centre workers in Gurgaon, India, to inflate their wages by forging positive feedback.
Developing Unrest: New Struggles in Miserable Boom-Town Gurgaon Following article tries to summarise the main tendencies of class relations in Gurgaon and based on that to come to practical conclusions and suggestions for local ‘communist activities’.
Gurgaon Workers News #34 - January 2011 English Language edition of the class struggle newspaper produced in Gurgaon, in Haryana, India. The paper contains workers' enquiry and…
Step Across the Border: Lakhani Workers in Faridabad and in Uttaranchal Reports from Indian garment workers on their conditions, February 2011.