G.D.H. Cole's volume chronicling the history of socialist thought from 1850-1890. Copied to clipboard Attachments A History of Socialist Thought, Volume II.pdf (8.26 MB) Book traversal links for A history of socialist thought: Volume II - Marxism and anarchism 1850-1890 A history of socialist thought: volume I - the forerunners 1789-1850 Up A history of socialist thought: Volume III, Part I - The Second International 1889-1914 Printer-friendly version Marxism libertarian communism anarchism G.D.H. Cole PDF Comments
A history of socialist thought - G.D.H. Cole All of G.D.H. Cole's five volume (in seven parts) series chronicling the history of socialist thought from 1789 to 1939.
Anarchism & Marxism - Daniel Guerin Anarchism and Marxism (from a paper given in New York on 6 November 1973 with an introduction by the author for the first English language…
Marx and Bakunin – Anton Pannekoek Anton Pannekoek's letter to Australian anarchist Kenneth Joseph Kenafick (26 May, 1949) on the differences between Marx and Bakunin, Marxism and…
Introduction to anarchist communism - Anarchist Federation The Anarchist Federation's overview of anarchist communist politics, arguing what is basically wrong…
A critique of the German social democratic program - Mikhail Bakunin Bakunin makes an early and powerful critique of the statist, reformist, class-collaborationist and…