A paper by Jack Saunders on how an unofficial network of workplace union reps/dockworkers defeated the 1971 Industrial Relations Act. Copied to clipboard http://seventiesmilitants.tumblr.com/ Attachments how to kill an act of parliament.pdf (82.15 KB) 1960s Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU) 1970s docks United Kingdom Jack Saunders PDF Comments
Race, class and the state: the black experience in Britain A. Sivanandan on the political economy of post-WW2 immigration and state control in Britain.
The struggle of Asian workers in Britain - Race Today Pamphlet published in 1983 by the Race Today Collective containing three articles and sets of…
1978-1979: Winter of discontent A short history of the of the widespread strike movement that occurred during the winter of 1978-1979 in Britain. The 'Winter of Discontent'…
Workers Playtime on the miners' strike Slightly too late for the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the 1984-85 miners' strike... Here are all the Workers' Playtime articles about the…
SPGB Conference and delegate meeting reports The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) conference and Autumn delegate meeting (ADM) reports archive.
Unholy alliance - The seamen's strike: an analysis - George Foulser An article by George Fulser of the Syndicalist Workers Federation on the 1966 seaman's strike