's reading guide to the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Communist dictatorship which saw a general strike declared and workers' councils spring up across the country.

Man spitting on decapitated head of Stalin statue, Hungary 1956.
Key texts
- 1956: the Hungarian revolution - A short and clearly written history of the Hungarian workers' revolution against the state capitalist dictatorship.
- Hungary '56 - Andy Anderson - Excellent pamphlet, published by Solidarity. An invaluable guide to the events of the Hungarian uprising of 1956.
- Hungary '56: "the proletariat storming heaven" - Mouvement Communiste - Analysis of the Hungarian workers’ uprising, stressing the importance of the collective action taken by workers and critically examining the demands and programmes they put forward.
- Hungarian Tragedy - Peter Fryer An account of events in Hungary 1956 by Peter Fryer, then a columnist for the Daily Worker, the official paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
Other recommended reading
- The Hungarian revolution: 1956 - Anonymous account of the events of the near revolution of 1956, containing interesting information from interviews with participants.
- United Nations report on the Hungarian uprising 1956 - UN special committee report on the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Examines the revolutionary workers councils established by Hungarian workers, and analyses the dangers they posed to both the Soviet bureaucracy and capitalism.
- Hungary '56 - Nick Heath - History of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, published as a special supplement of Anarchist Worker on the 20th anniversary in 1976.
- The Hungarian workers' revolution - Syndicalist Workers' Federation - Revised second edition of a pamphlet written by British syndicalists in 1957.
- Facing Reality - CLR James and Grace Lee Boggs's wide-ranging work written in the immediate aftermath of Hungary 1956.
Other media
- Hungary 56 photo gallery - Photo gallery of the events in Hungary 1956.
i would recommend this, which
i would recommend this, which if i get time i will add to the libcom library.
It is written by Peter Fryer, the Daily Worker (now Morning Star) correspondant in Hungary who rebelled against the paper editorship (CPGB stalinist party of which he was a member) when they attempted to censor his reports of the uprising. This book split the CPGB
libcom note: please do not
libcom note: please do not use the comments section as an excuse to spam links to your site; you've been warned about this previously. Future spam links will be removed without warning. - Ed
I've recently found a number
I've recently found a number of newsreels from 1956 that show footage of the demonstrations and clashes.