Articles from the January 10, 1933 (Vol. 14, No. 104, Whole No. 837) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

-I.W.W. coal miners in Colorado win demand for checkweighman elected by loaders on the job
-Gen. Def. Committee thanked for efforts to raise Xmas relief
-Boulder Dam slaves put 'on the spot' by 6 co's carelessness
-Garrison Mills is next rebel miner to go to trial in Harlan; another bluegrass jury chosen
-Sioux lookout I.W.W.'s held incommunicado by Canadian jailors
-Financial bloodsuckers grow fat on misery of working class
-Editorial: Technocracy and the I.W.W.
-Jobless buying power by T-Bone Slim
-Canadian road camp slaves are strongly urged to join I.W.W.
-Exploiters in Australia seek to put iron heel on I.W.W.
-Seismograph: the weekly record of cracks in the system by Work Peoples College
-Another zigzag: Communist "tactics" in the International of Seamen and Harbor Workers
-Scientist predicts end of capitalism within three years
-Work Peoples College developing fine crop of youthful rebels
-Angelo Rossi dead
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