The September 24, 1927 (Vol. IX, No. 38, Whole No. 562) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Europe resents U.S. bigotry by Heber Blankenhorn
-Canada needs harvest army
-Buffalo workers prepare for big membership drive
-Colorado miners call for test of strength Oct. 8
-New field for 310 delegates opened at Bend
-Lumber workers ask wage raise, propose changes
-The new red hunt in America
-History of American labor movement
-Shall we judge prosperity by wealth of few by George Speed
-Why Lumber Workers should demand more wages
-Duluth is scene of active meetings on industrial unionism
-Strikebreaker threat fails to phase teamsters
-Fletcher holds rousing meetings in New York City
-Why men strike is discussed on new worker book
-Delegates needed in logging camps of Mont. district
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