Content from the debut issue of the journal. Author Insurgent Notes Copied to clipboard Full contents at Editorial: Presenting Insurgent Notes The historical moment that produced us: global revolution or recomposition of capital? - Loren Goldner Book traversal links for Insurgent Notes #1, June 2010 Insurgent Notes: Journal of Communist Theory and Practice Up Editorial: Presenting Insurgent Notes Printer-friendly version Comments
Book review: Kevin Anderson, Marx at the margins - John Garvey John Garvey's review of Anderson's 2010 book, Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and…
Theses for discussion - Loren Goldner Loren Goldner sketches the basic points of departure for political discussion today
What’s up with Bosnia? - Juraj Katalenac Article about situation in Bosnia as rioting across the country continues in the wake of demonstrations against privatisation, from Insurgent…
Insurgent Notes #5, January 2012 Content from issue 5 of this communist journal, mainly themed around the Occupy movement in the United States.