The Volume 3, Number 9-10 (October 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

-The war in the Far East
-One year "People's Front" in France
-The old Hegelian dialectic and the new materialistic science
-The non-intervention comedy comes to an end in Spain
-Hitler's National "Socialism"
-Review: After the Revolution: economic reconstruction in Spain today by D.A. Santillan
-Review: The crisis and decline of capitalism by International Council Correspondence
-Review: Economic welfare by Oscar Newfang
-Review: An outline of finance by Arthur Woodburn
-Review: Social security by Abraham Epstein
-Review: Industrial unionism in the American labor movement by Theresa Wolfson and Abraham Weiss
-Review: The labor spy by Gordon Hopkins
-Review: John L. Lewis exposed by Eric Hass
-Review: The Soviets by Albert Rhys Williams
-Review: The letters of Lenin
-Review: The web of thought and action by H. Levy-Watts & Co.
-Review: Review: Earl Browder: Communist or tool of Wall Street by George Marlon
-Review: From Lenin to Stalin by Victor Serge
-Review: The Stalin school of falsification by Leon Trotsky
-Review: World revolution 1917-1936: the rise and fall of the Communist International by C.L.R. James
-Review: The national debt and government credit
-News notes on the CIO