London Anarchist Federation pamphlet on the Ilalian Factory Councils Copied to clipboard Antonio Gramsci Comments
Gramsci and syndicalism - Tom Wetzel Tom Wetzel on the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, the Italian factory council movement of 1919-1920, and the anarcho-syndicalist advocacy of…
Down But Not Out: The Unemployed in Chicago during the Great Depression This is a Ph.D. dissertation in the field of U.S. labor history. See for…
The Italian Communist Left Via this red thread, which involved the interpretation, application and defence of revolutionary Marxism against various denials and betrayals,…
Amadeo Bordiga and the myth of Antonio Gramsci - John Chiaradia Useful article about the relationship between Bordiga and Gramsci and the stalinisation of the…
The Left, Still Clinging onto Gramsci If we take this opportunity to criticise Gramsci’s "thought", it is because it is back in fashion with layers of intellectuals dedicated to…