"The International Workingmen's Association (Berlin), addressed to the Amsterdam International as well as to the Red Labor Union International (Moscow) a proposition of common action action in all countries against fascism." Copied to clipboard IWA/AIT/IAA Attachments Scan6030.pdf (510.36 KB) International Working Men's Association (IWMA) The Road to Freedom Comments
"The IWW and Anarcho-Syndicalism" (Freedom, NYC, Jan. 16, 1933) "Freedom" superceded "The Road to Freedom". End note reads in part: "The purpose of this article is to try and have an intelligent dispassionate discussion on the question of anarcho-syndicalism and Industrial Unionism..."
IWMA: The Road to Syndicalism (Road to Freedom, Feb. 1926) 1926 IWA appeal to workers of the word to join the in their efforts
I.W.M.A.: May 1928 Congress Agenda Apparently 1928 the IWA had difficultly finding a European country to host the 3rd Congress. The Congress was held in Liege, Belgium, May 28-29, 1928
Malatesta, Errico, 1853-1932 A short biography of leading Italian anarchist militant Errico Malatesta.