"On the barricades" issue, featuring photographs, slogans and posters from the Paris uprising of May 1968. Copied to clipboard PDF courtesy of Sabine Press. Attachments On-The-Barricades_May68.pdf (4.7 MB) May 68 Paris Comments
The Commune, the church and the state - Mikhail Bakunin Part of the series https://libcom.org/library/works-mikhail-bakunin-reading-guide Russian anarchist…
1936-1938: The Workers of the Paris Region During the Popular Front - Michael Seidman A study of the mass strike and militant working class movement which erupted during the period of…
Minister in attempt to discredit Sorbonne demonstrators François Goulard, Minister for Universities, visited the Sorbonne at around 2pm this afternoon with…
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris school occupations and street protests, 16th March 2006 Photos of the school occupations and street protest in Paris on March 16th. Most photos in these…
Images of yesterday's demonstrations Photographs of Saturday 18 March's mass demonstrations against the CPE employment law in France.
Statement from an occupier of EHESS A statement by one of the participants in the occupation of the Paris university EHESS, which was broken by police this morning.