A Letter from Prison

A letter from imprisoned KAPD military leaders to the Party, declaring their continued allegiance. Originally published in "KAZ, 1928, No. 1".

The VRUK has received the following letter from imprisoned comrades:

Sonnenburg, 26th December 1927.

Dear friends and comrades!

Today, on the day of the solstice celebration, it is granted to us, the undersigned comrades of the Sonnenburg penal institution, to be together in one room.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we send revolutionary communist greetings to all comrades of the KAP, KAJ, and AAU, and we say to you that we, who, like all of you, stood, stand, and will stand in the proletarian class struggle, fully recognize the value of what has been achieved through laborious effort, through many sacrifices for the benefit of our loved ones and ourselves, and what has otherwise been done and will be done to ease the fate of all. For this reason, we send you our heartfelt thanks in this regard.

Comrades! Forcibly separated from you by the hatred of the possessing class, fearful of losing its privileges, we observe every pulse of the workers' movement and declare:

"Your sorrow is our sorrow, and your joy is most certainly our joy. In the struggle for a humane world order, we must and will prevail. By acknowledging that where there is planing, chips will fall, we endure the isolation imposed upon us without hesitation!"

From you, comrades, however, we expect that you do everything so that the worker, the class comrade, overcomes the fear of the common enemy and especially the dread of its disciplinary institutions, so that we may move forward with courage and strength toward our goal.

In the hope of being among you again at the next winter solstice, we remain in revolutionary spirit.

With communist greetings,
Your Comrades

Emil Bergemann, Paul Eick, Emil Klupsch, Otto Braune, Walter Benzmann, Alfred Menzel, Willi Schatz, Karl Fiedler, Gerhard Freckmann, F. Freckmann, Ludwig Burkhardt and Oskar Jandke.
