Liverpool Anarchist #14, with articles on strikes, a protest against transphobia and a critique of reformist trade unions. Copied to clipboard Attachments Liverpool Anarchist - Issue 14 - Aug'21.pdf (3.35 MB) Book traversal links for Liverpool Anarchist #14 Liverpool Anarchist #13 Up Liverpool Anarchist #15 Printer-friendly version docks Liverpool United Kingdom BBC trade unions transgender Liverpool Solidarity Federation Comments
Liverpool Anarchist #13 Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about a recent LGBT+ protest, strikes, sterilisation and trans history.
1911: Liverpool general transport strike A short history of the strike movement that took hold of Liverpool during the summer of 1911. Culminating in a massive general strike of all…
1995-1997: Mersey docks dispute - Dave Graham Dave Graham's detailed and fascinating history of the eventually unsuccessful Liverpool dockers dispute.
Liverpool Anarchist #12 Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about the University strike, signing support, international unrest and May Day.
Declan Curry - most prominent BBC news scab Business presenter Declan Curry was the only presenter to cross picket lines on BBC1's breakfast show during the 2005 strike.