Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about TUI, migrants, a local arms fair, anarcho-syndicalism and sexism at work. Copied to clipboard Attachments Liverpool Anarchist - Issue 15 - Sep'21.pdf (1.68 MB) Book traversal links for Liverpool Anarchist #15 Liverpool Anarchist #14 Up Liverpool Anarchist #16 Printer-friendly version Liverpool anarcho-syndicalism United Kingdom arms industry Comments
Working-class history: Anarcho-syndicalism on Merseyside Extracts from the book Building the Union: Studies on the growth of the workers’ movement:…
Liverpool Anarchist #16 Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about the £20 benefits cut, a university strike, conscientious objectors in Walton Jail and…
From Barcelona With Love: The spectre of Spanish anarchism in Liverpool A look at the early influence of Spanish anarchism on Merseyside.
Trade union factionalism and rank-and-file organising Over the past year, it's become increasingly evident that the branch of the civil servants' union…
For workers' control! - Lessons of recent struggles in the UK A leaflet compiled by members of the Solidarity Federation to share with workers in struggle -…
On the trade unions and “boring from within” Phil Dickens critiques the 'boring from within' union strategy advocated by various left groups.