Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about the £20 benefits cut, a university strike, conscientious objectors in Walton Jail and resistance to the arms trade. Copied to clipboard Attachments Liverpool Anarchist - Issue 16 - Oct'21.pdf (3.52 MB) Book traversal links for Liverpool Anarchist #16 Liverpool Anarchist #15 Up Liverpool Anarchist #17 Printer-friendly version claimants and unpaid World War I Liverpool United Kingdom universities UCU conscientious objectors universal credit arms industry Comments
The students are revolting - report on the occupation of Millbank Tower A report on the demonstration and attack on the Tory headquarters by students and education workers…
Support striking university workers and build worker-student solidarity! Education workers with the University and College Union (UCU) are preparing for another battle…
The Lusitania Riots of May 1915: A personal account - Pat O'Mara Pat O'Mara's personal account of the anti-German Lusitania riots of May 1915 which broke out in…
Liverpool Anarchist #12 Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about the University strike, signing support, international unrest and May Day.
The Pop Up Union: a postmortem When management at the University of Sussex announced plans to outsource 235 jobs, workers responded by launching a 'Pop-Up Union', a new tactic…
University and college bosses plan job cuts in higher education The University and Colleges Union has revealed that university and college bosses will not be making…