Photographs from the Mersey docks dispute of 1995-6. Copied to clipboard strikes docks Liverpool United Kingdom Liverpool dockers dispute Comments2 Is it really 20 years ago??? Is it really 20 years ago??? Blimey. Serge Forward wrote: Is it Serge Forward Is it really 20 years ago??? Blimey. 20 years ago tomorrow, yes
Serge Forward wrote: Is it Serge Forward Is it really 20 years ago??? Blimey. 20 years ago tomorrow, yes
1995-1997: Mersey docks dispute - Dave Graham Dave Graham's detailed and fascinating history of the eventually unsuccessful Liverpool dockers dispute.
1911: Liverpool general transport strike A short history of the strike movement that took hold of Liverpool during the summer of 1911. Culminating in a massive general strike of all…
On burning and building bridges: contradictions in the movement around the Liverpool dock strike Leaflet handed out at a demonstration of striking Liverpool dockers, in April 1997.
Liverpool Anarchist #14 Liverpool Anarchist #14, with articles on strikes, a protest against transphobia and a critique of reformist trade unions.
Scottish dock workers ballot for strike action After a wildcat strike last month, 1200 workers at Rosyth Royal Dockyard have announced they are to ballot on industrial action in their dispute…
Workers of the world tonight: international dockers struggles of the 1980s BM Blob's pamphlet on the struggles of dock workers across the world during the 1980s.
Is it really 20 years ago???
Is it really 20 years ago??? Blimey.
Serge Forward wrote: Is it
Serge Forward
20 years ago tomorrow, yes