July-August 1935 issue of Man!: a journal of the anarchist ideal and movement. Copied to clipboard Attachments man7and8.pdf (1.97 MB) Book traversal links for Man!: a journal of the anarchist ideal and movement #7-8.03 What ought to be the anarchist attitude towards the machine - Marcus Graham Up Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Xtra! #10 1982 The final issue of Xtra! including: policing after the riots, letters, Ireland, Poland, monitoring state radio communications, Jacques Mesrine, media reporting on riots, anti holiday homes…
Freedom (September 1988) Issue of Freedom, volume 49, issue 9, with articles about the Iran-Iraq war and more.
Women in Struggle #2 (1973) Including intersectionality, women in Northern Ireland and Britain, Wages for Housework, the struggle of nurses in England, Claimants Union…
In the crossfire: adventures of a Vietnamese revolutionary - Ngo Van Xuyet Ngo Van Xuyet's accounts of class struggle in Vietnam before the rise of Ho Chi Minh and the US…
Committe Against Repression in Italy materials A selection of leaflets, petitions, letters, appeals and related material from CARII.