Mapping the fire: international words of solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Black International Editions

A publication acting as a meeting point for comrades of the Conspiracy of Fire Cells from all over the world, consisting of personal stories, letters of solidarity and information about groups, etc., aimed at the constitution of a 'Black International' of imprisoned anarchists.

Submitted by Craftwork on December 1, 2016


1 - How we came up with the concept of "Black International" editions
2 - A few words...
4 - International call of the CCF

Part One: International solidarity of imprisoned comrades, insurrectionary groups, projects and self-organized counter-publishing projects
7 - Gabriel Pombo da Silva
10 - Juan Carlos Rico Rodríguez
11 - Caso Bombas + Chile section
20 - FAI / CCF / FRI / ELF Russia +
24 - Werner Braeuner
24 - Davide Delogu
25 - Francisco Pancho Moreno
26 - Marco Camenisch
27 - Zerman Elias
28 - Thomas Meyer Falk
28 - Braulio González
29 - Luca “Billy” Bernasconi
31 - Jock Palfreeman
33 - Federico Buono
36 - Claudio Lavazza

Part Two: Solidarity with CCF after some members attempted to escape on the 12 December 2011.
37 - Words from Edizioni Cerbero + Parole Armate
37 - Words from Mono
38 - Words from Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras
40 - Words from 325

Part Three: Presentation of self-organized international internet and publishing projects of counterinformation
41 - Contra Info
42 - Actforfreedomnow / boubourAs
43 - Entropía Ediciones
44 - Parole Armate
44 - Culmine
45 - This is our Job
46 - Viva la Anarquía
47 - War On Society
47 - Conspiratión Acrata
48 - 325
49 - Black Blocg Collective
49 - Edizioni Cerbero

Part Four: Letters of comrades to whom this publication is dedicated
53 - Eat & Billy
54 - Luciano Tortuga
63 - Mario “Tripa” Lopez
65 - Felicity Ryder


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