An archive of maps showing the extent of various revolutionary periods and general strikes. For reference purposes. Copied to clipboard revolutions maps Comments2 Please let me know of any Please let me know of any more maps like this. I got the Seattle General strike map here Is there any use in having a Is there any use in having a map which considers Makhno to be a White general? (number 11) Must be better ones around, though perhaps not so nicely coloured...
Please let me know of any Please let me know of any more maps like this. I got the Seattle General strike map here
Is there any use in having a Is there any use in having a map which considers Makhno to be a White general? (number 11) Must be better ones around, though perhaps not so nicely coloured...
The Paris Commune and the idea of the state - Mikhail Bakunin Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin on the Paris Commune and the idea of government and the state.
The Paris Commune of 1871 - Undercurrent Short text about the Commune by Undercurrent, as the University of Sussex unveils a flawed exhibition on the uprising.
1956: The Hungarian Revolution The history of the Hungarian workers' revolution against the Communist dictatorship. A general strike was declared, and workers' councils sprung…
1918: The Proletariat's Democratic Revolution in Finland The following is an excerpt from 'The Truce and the Great Retrenchment' - Chapter 6 of Year One of…
The Cuban revolution: A critical perspective - Sam Dolgoff Sam Dolgoff's book offering a critical account of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 from anarchist…
Revolutionary government - Peter Kropotkin Peter Kropotkin, the famous theorist of Anarchist Communism, on why "revolutionary government" is a contradiction in terms.
Please let me know of any
Please let me know of any more maps like this.
I got the Seattle General strike map here
Is there any use in having a
Is there any use in having a map which considers Makhno to be a White general? (number 11) Must be better ones around, though perhaps not so nicely coloured...