Revolution in the Era of Pandemics - Mark Kosman The coronavirus pandemic, capitalist decline and the prospects for a carers revolution.
The Chinese revolution 1925-1927 A short account of the mass struggles in China from 1925 up to the Shanghai insurrection of 1927 and its crushing by the nationalist forces of…
Maps of revolutions An archive of maps showing the extent of various revolutionary periods and general strikes. For reference purposes.
Workers' control in Latin America, 1930-1979 - Jonathan C Brown A series of essays investigating the everyday acts through which Latin American workers attempted to…
When insurrections die - Gilles Dauvé This is a reconceived version of 'Fascism and Anti-Fascism'. In this text, Dauvé shows how the wave of proletarian revolts in the first half of…
Fear the everyday state On the fifth anniversary of the fall of Egypt's president Mubarak, this is an account of the uprising, and the ebb and flow of the Egyptian…
Ancient utopia and peasant revolts in China - Ngo Van Xuyet The last essay completed by the veteran Vietnamese council communist, written in 2004 when he was 91…
The Finnish Class War 1918 A brief piece explaining that the Finnish Civil War of 1918 was, contrary to rightist claims, in fact, a class war.
The great French revolution, 1789-1793 - Peter Kropotkin Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin's extensive history and analysis of the French Revolution of 1789.
Revolutionary government - Peter Kropotkin Peter Kropotkin, the famous theorist of Anarchist Communism, on why "revolutionary government" is a contradiction in terms.
Anti-capitalism or anti-imperialism? Interwar authoritarian and fascist sources of a reactionary ideology: The case of the Bolivian MNR Loren Goldner's detailed account and analysis of the Bolivian Revolutionary…