The below is a report about the current situation in central and southern Iraq. It is over a week there has been a massive demos and protests against the central and local government and also against the oil companies . The report below briefly explains the situation .

Zaher Baher
Iraq- Sulaymaniyah
It looks like the US and Western Countries’ propaganda, and the illusions of religion and nationalism, are no longer working for the people in central and southern Iraq. It might be that the time has arrived to end the sectarianism between Shia and Sunna. It’s fifteen years since the collapse of Saddam Hussain and there has been thirteen years (2005) of Shia government. The failure of the election process and parliamentary system should have given both Iraqi Shia and Sunna the lesson that the real changes cannot happen through this process and establishment. This was probably also the main reason only 38% of the electorate participated in Iraq general election in May this year.
During this period the real winners were the politicians, businessmen, government ministers, heads of government departments and the foreign companies. The loser are the ordinary people who has lost everything - even the little they had under Saddam Hussein’s regime. In addition, people has been suffering badly at the hands of corruption, privatisation, injustice, unemployment, a sectarian war, the widening a gap between rich and poor and lack of gas, electric and clean water.
People in central and southern Iraq obviously don’t want to continue living this kind of life. For almost a week the people of Basra (a city rich from oil and gas and controlled by the central government and foreign oil corporations) have been fighting the authorities. The oil companies employ thirty thousand people - none of them from Basra.
Basra is the 3rd most important city in Iraq after Baghdad and Mosul where over five million people live. They have suffered terribly at the hands of the local authority and foreign companies. They have no decent health treatment or education. According to one Iraqi report 48% of Basra’s residents have been diagnosed with a type of cancer whose cause has been linked to depleted uranium. Because of all this, the people of Iraq, especially those in the south and central area had no choice but to fight back against both local and central government.
Protesters in Basra have occupied many government’s buildings and offices and are involved in street fighting with the police and security forces. People have also set fire to offices and the headquarters of political parties in the city.
Since Friday 13th July protest have spread to many other towns and cities including Nasiryah, Maysan, Qadisiyyah, Karbal, Thi Qar , Babil and Najaf. In Najaf, the most Holy Shia City in Iraq, protesters managed to occupy and take control of the airport. In Basra they are trying to take control of the oil fields and refineries to stop oil being exported. On Saturday afternoon further protests started in four neighbourhoods of Baghdad very close to the Green Zone ( – a hugely sensitive place in Baghdad. It seems that the central government has now imposed a night curfew in certain areas of Baghdad. Other reports talk about the cutting off of the main road by the government between Baghdad and Kirkuk.
The situation is so tense that Haider al-Abadi, the Prime Minster of Iraq, shortened his visit to Brussels so he could return to Basra on Saturday to have a meeting with the authorities, politicians, and the heads of police and security in Basra. Protesters tried to occupy the meeting hall but they were crushed by the police and the security.
We do not know the exact numbers of people killed or injured as there are many different reports. Some reports confirm over twenty protesters killed, more than 240 injured and over 1000 protesters arrested. In the mean-time central government doesn’t want the news of protesters and their activities reaching other cities. From Saturday morning until Monday morning Facebook was down and form Saturday 6pm until after 11am on Sunday there was no internet.
We do not know what the outcome will be, but so far political parties haven’t managed to restrain or control the protests. And, at present there are no religion demand, slogans, anthems or shouting “God is Great” from the protestors.
However, if people do not organise themselves in non-hierarchical independent groups in every work places, streets and neighbourhoods to coordinate their actions it is difficult to be optimistic about the situation. There is also the possibility that protesters face the dirty policy of the government and the bloody tactics in killing of the state that push protesters to defend themselves with weapons. This could change their mass struggle through peaceful demonstrations and protests to a civil war. Recent history of the “Arab Spring” shows that civil wars only really benefit those in authority, the rich, the corporations and the system in general.
Long Live Basra
Long Live Basra Shora!
Iraqi Protests Megathread
Protests Megathread (self.syriancivilwar)
July 17
href="">Protests Map
Government (Events in
descending order)
● href="">Iraqi Army
helicopters are flying over Basra, more security forces have been deployed to
the city. The security forces are arresting those who participated in
● href="">Following
Basra Protests Iraqi army is on the streets Basra
● href="">Iraqi
protesters dispersed by police at entrance to Zubair oilfield
● href="">A
high-profile Iraqi delegation, under Planning Minister Salman Aljumaili, will
head for Saudi Arabia Wednesday to discuss a number of files with Saudi
officials, topped by energy.
● href="">Iraqi Prime
Minister Haidar Abbadi at a press conference: We are with demonstrations and
demanding legitimate rights, provided they do not become violent.
Protests (Events in descending
● href="">Asa’ib Ahl
al-Haq militias open fire on protestors in Najaf many of protesters have been
● href="">Funerals
are held in Karbala for those who killed in protests over unemployment and a
lack of basic services in during last night
● href="">Truck drivers
block Erbil-Mosul road in protest of high taxes, tolls
● href="">Protesters in
Basra Province block the road leading to Burjisiah Oilfield.
● href="">Iraqi SWAT
forces opening fire on protesters in Nasriyah southern of Iraq
● href="">Basra
al-Zubayr Hundreds of demonstrators and security forces shoot the bullets to
disperse them brutally
● href="">Iraqi
security forces are firing in an attempt to disperse demonstrators in front of
a gate in the al-Zubair oil field in the province Basra which has been in
demonstrations for nine days.
Iraq protests: What you
Iraq protests: What you should know
If there is one positive to
If there is one positive to be gleaned from recent developments in the Middle East, it might be the total collapse in legitimacy of the nationalist and islamist ideologies. The brutality and corruption of first AQI, and then ISIS in the Levant has severely damaged the popularity of sunni extremism. On the shia/nationalist side, Iran was an inspiration for many, not just shia. Prior to 2011 it was the country that was overall looked upon most favorably in the arab world with something like 70%+ approval ratings, because of their support for Hezbollah in its 2006 victory over Israel, and their general confrontational stance towards the West. However, the arab world has been horrified as this last beacon of nationalist/islam ideology has fully supported the secular nationalist Assad regime in its relentless campaign of violence against dissidents and islamists. Iran and Syria's popularity amongst the arab world has plummeted.
There exists right now a real vacuum. People are more upset than ever, but established ideologies dont hold much sway. Promising?
I've added this article to
I've added this article to the ACG website with a link to this page.
IN IRAN ALSO... More protests
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Protests are mounting in Iraq. Why?
New article on ICC
New article on ICC website
Iraq, Basra: state continues shooting live rounds “…distributed water is now so polluted that it has already forced more than twenty thousand people to hospital. Several citizens’ defense associations want Basra to be declared a “disaster” province. But, with a third of the country recently taken over from the Islamic State (IS), Baghdad says it is struggling to find funds. Yet, the amount of oil revenue is breaking records every month and almost doubled in one year….The province of Basra has become unlivable…demonstrations have resumed daily since the beginning of September, around the seat of the governorate. And the police replicate with live ammunition and tear gas canisters. The protesters respond by throwing Molotov cocktails and fireworks sticks.“
Iraq, Basra: at least 6 killed as protesters set fire to government building “The situation is continuing to escalate after the death of a protester yesterday…Security forces are using live ammunition and tear gas to break up the demonstrations.” Yasser Makki died in a hospital following clashes with security forces on Monday night…Demonstrations have been ongoing for months in southern Iraq over poor government services, corruption, and a shortage of potable water….the government office caught fire after protesters hurled petrol bombs at security personnel. “There is a big fire in the provincial government building, which has now become completely enveloped in flames”….”Our orders are clear in banning the firing of live ammunition during demonstrations,” al-Abadi [Iraqi Prime Minister] said in his weekly news conference”…Nabil al-Assadi, another demonstrator in Basra, told Al Jazeera that, despite attempts to break up the demonstration, protesters have not retreated. “Security forces have been using tear gas and live ammunition to break us up, but that is making us more adamant to continue,” he said…Twenty-three protesters have been killed since July 8 when the wave of demonstrations erupted across Iraq over electricity outages, unemployment, and official corruption.”…curfew imposed after one guard is killed
Iraq, Basra: angry protests continue “Protests have resumed in the southern Iraqi province of Basra this week following similar unrest in July over the lack of basic services, clean water, power outages, unemployment, and state mismanagement. On Sunday protesters blocked the road leading to the Shalamcheh border point between Iran and Iraq. The main road between Basra city centre leading towards Karmat Ali on its northern outskirts was also blocked with burning tires.” More here “Protesters threatened to break into the field if the government did not respond to their demands to improve basic services and address their complaints over Basra’s drinking water, which residents say is undrinkable due to high salt levels. “We will not allow the oilfield to operate unless we get clean water. No services, no jobs and now no clean water. We are fed up,” said Hassan Ali, a protest organiser….Oil exports from Basra account for more than 95 per cent of OPEC producer Iraq’s state revenues. Any potential disruptions to production could severely impact Iraq’s limping economy. Police also dispersed protesters who tried to prevent trucks moving on a main road to the east of Basra which leads to a border crossing with Iran, customs and police officials said.” See also entry for 31/8/18.