This article from 2004 discusses several episodes of resistance to austerity in New Zealand in the 1990s. Copied to clipboard Attachments The Myth of Passivity1.pdf (138.87 KB) 1990s New Zealand Oceania Treason Toby Boraman PDF Comments
Rabble rousers and merry pranksters: A history of anarchism in Aotearoa/New Zealand from the mid-1950s to the early 1980s Complete PDF of the only full book on anarchist history in New Zealand by Toby…
Wildcat homers, gamifying work and workplace-whanau in the meat industry Toby Boraman's academic article on the informal resistance by Aotearoa meatworkers in 1970s.
The Australian IWW and 'Direct Action', 1914-2000 A history of the once highly-influential Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union and its publication Direct Action in Australia.
The economy is suffering...let it die - Treason pamphlet Treason pamphlet collecting articles from David Watson, Guerra Sociale, John Zerzan and others. While we do not agree with all of it we reproduce for reference.