Partial online PDF archive of Outta Control, subtitled News & Views of the Belfast Anarchist Collective from the 1980s.

Many issues incorporate Gaining Ground Women's Supplement or other supplements on housing, nuclear waste etc.
Outta Control was a monthly bulletin from the Belfast Anarchist Collective who published 42 issues from 1980 to 1984. The first issue was titled Self-Control, after much joking that the title seemed more appropriate to an anti-masturbation tract, it was changed to Outta Control from no.2 onwards.
The collective then published seven issues of Ainriail magazine between 1985 and 1987.
The BAC also ran a bookshop, Just Books, at 7 Winetavern Street (where the Castlecourt Shopping Centre now stands). The shop opened in June 1978 and finally closed 16 years later in June 1994.
PDFs from Spirit of Revolt, Sparrows Nest, Dragonfly and Irish Anarchist History archives.
Missing: 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42.
I chopped up that big PDF…
I chopped up that big PDF and added a bunch of other issues I found...
Fozzie wrote: I chopped up…
great stuff, thanks! (I just made a minor change in that I moved your new text to the body rather than the intro field)
Good oh - I never know how…
Good oh - I never know how much to put in the intro.
Fozzie wrote: Good oh - I…
Basically we want it to be a short as possible: the bare minimum to explain to readers what they will see below. 300 characters or less (including spaces) is ideal.
Good oh :-)
Yep - makes sense!
Issues 27-29 added courtesy…
Issues 27-29 added courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham.