Indian parliament, post-independence A Marxist account of the development of capitalist democracy in India, by Achin Vanaik. Copied to clipboard Attachments Painful-transition.pdf (12.3 MB) India countries Achin Vanaik PDF Comments
Anarchy #042: India Issue of Anarchy magazine from August 1964 focussing on Indian Anarchism and Southern Asia.
Khamsin #11: Modern Turkey - development and crisis Issue 11 of the Khamsin journal from 1984 about Turkey, its political economy, international relations and its working class, socialist and…
A people's history of England This classic 1938 work by AL Morton lays out the main outlines and most important turning points of British history - from the point of view of…
Workers autonomy strikes in India: Maruti Suzuki strike in Manesar (June, September, October 2011) An analysis of the Maruti Suzuki strike by Mouvement Communiste, and Kolektivne…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 24 - 7 September 1918) Including: London police strike, international news, the co-operative movement by Sylvia Pankhurst,…
Greek tragedy: the failure of the left - Bob Potter Solidarity pamphlet 29 by Bob Potter from 1968 on the current lack of resistance to the military dictatorship, its historical roots and the…