In this February 1990 article from Searchlight South Africa, Paul Trewhela details the motives behind capitalist support for financial sanctions of South Africa against apartheid. Copied to clipboard Attachments Trewhela Paul - Financial Sanctions and the Future of South Africa.pdf (3.44 MB) South Africa finance apartheid Paul Trewhela PDF Comments
Ovambo migrant workers general strike for rights, Namibia: 1971-72 In the winter of 1971-72 the economy of South West Africa (Namibia) was shutdown by a general strike…
From people's politics to state politics: aspects of national liberation in South Africa 1984-1994 This article, written in 1994, the first year of the 'new South Africa', examines…
1976: The Soweto riots A short history of the riots against new education laws that turned into a mass collective rejection of apartheid South Africa by thousands of…
Bakunin’s heirs in South Africa: race and revolutionary syndicalism from the IWW to the International Socialist League, 1910–21 Lucien van der Walt disputes the prevailing discourse of the Communist school,…
Rethinking welfare: A radical critique - Lucien van der Walt In 2006, Cosatu called for the introduction of a universal basic incomes grant in response to the ANC introducing various welfare measures to alleviate poverty. Lucien van der Walt argued that that unions had been sidestracked by technocratic demands and that the demand for welfare should instead be linked to the struggle of the working class to reinvent society.
The South African Wobblies: The Origins of Industrial Unions in South Africa - John Philips John Philip’s pioneering, hard-to-get study of syndicalism in South Africa,…