Politics (April 1946)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on June 3, 2017

Cover (pag. 97)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man (pagg. 97-99)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. We need a new political vocabulary (pagg. 99-101)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. The world we live in (pagg. 101-104)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. The question of marxism (pagg. 104-106)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. The mirage of the proletarian revolution (pagg. 106-109)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. Bureaucratic collectivism: the "third alternative" (pagg. 109-112)
Macdonald, Dwight. New roads in Politics (4). The root is man. Modern war and the class struggle (pagg. 112-115)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). Why the resistance failed - an outline (pagg. 116-118)
Calhoun, Don. The non-violent revolutionists (pagg. 118-119)
Bendiner, Burton. Labor leads (pagg. 119-120)
Agee, James. Dedication day - rough sketch for a moving picture (pagg. 121-125)
Delecourt, Jean (Gelo); Delecourt, Andrée (Andrea). French letter (pagg. 125-126)
Franck, Sebastian. Ancestors (2). De Tocqueville (pagg. 127-128)
Caffi, Andrea (European). Is a revolutionary war a contradiction in terms? (pagg. 128-130)
Contributors (pag. 130)
Dubitsky, A.. New roads in Politics. Discussion (pagg. 131-132)
Constas, Helen. New roads in Politics. Discussion (pagg. 132-134)
Vogel, Virgil J.. Books. The Leveller tracts, 1647-1653 (pag. 134)
The intelligence office (pagg. 134-135)
Woodcock, George. The intelligence office. William Morris's ideas (pagg. 134-135)
Packages abroad: current information (pag. 136)

