Politics (February 1945)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 23, 2014

Cover (p. 33)
Macdonald, Dwight. Wallace & the labor draft (pp. 34-37)
The greek tragedy (2) (pp. 38-42)
Tucci, Nicholas. Uncle Sam's uncle (pp. 42-43)
Schapiro, Meyer. A note on Max Weber's politics (pp. 44-48)
Calhoun, Arthur W.. well socialized Can american politics? (pp. 48-50)
Weil, Simone. War as an institution (4). Reflections on war (pp. 51-55)
(Candide). A note on Simone Weil (pp. 55-56)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). European newsreel. Retreat in France (pp. 56-57)
Oakes, J. Walter. "The manpower shortage fraud" (pp. 57-58)
Macdonald, Dwight. Eastmania (pp. 58-60)
Bazelon, David T.. Periodicals. "Race-thinking before racism" (pp. 60-61)
Berryman, John. Popular Culture. A plug for America (p. 61)
Serge, Victor. The intelligence office. Stalinism and the Resistance (pages 61-62)
Steig, Arthur. The intelligence office. "Inter-enemy ethics" (pp. 62-63)
Queener, Llewellyn. The intelligence office. "Inter-enemy ethics" (p. 63)
Taylor, William Palmer. The intelligence office. The russian question - rebuttal (pp. 63-64)
Contributors (p. 64)

