Including: abortion, short accounts of women's struggles around the world, wages for housework, etc.

- Editorial
- The Mother-Led Union (USA)
- Take our kids into care
- If women were paid for all they do (Canada)
- Forced sterilisation in New York and Los Angeles
- Abortion in Italy
- 'Back pay with interest' (Australia)
- Cooking strike (Chile)
- Women win creche
- Postscript (Canada)
- Spain: women's boycott
- Working on a widow's pension
- India: Anti Price Rise Front
- Where is the money coming from? (USA)
- National Women's Conference
- Wages for Housework demonstration
- Lesbianism and Wages for Housework
- Maimonides: Against women's unpaid work (USA)
- Sweden: Now we are 'equal'
- Strike at the office
- International Women's Day, New York
- Letters from Portugal
(3.7 MB)