Including: family allowance freeze in Canada, welfare campaigns in US, Black Women for wages for housework launched, women's general strike in Iceland, international Lesbian conference, women factory workers in Italy, sex work in France, etc.

- Editorial: Wages due
- Family Allowance (Canada)
- The US: organising for welfare
- Birth announcement: Black Women for Wages for Housework formed
- The right to have children
- Italy: the right to abortion
- The master's plan: survey of users of feminist women's health centre, Los Angeles
- When women stop, everything stops: women's general strike in Iceland
- International Lesbian Conference in Toronto
- All our time is working time (women factory workers in Italy)
- Baby's due (song)
- 'The state is the biggest pimp' (sex workers strike in France)
- 'All Work and No Pay' - viewers respond to wages for housework TV programme
Possibly the last issue of Power of Women. The masthead changed to "magazine of the international wages for housework campaign" for this issue.
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