Prol-position news 3 from August 2005. Copied to clipboard Attachments ppnews-3-Aug-2005.pdf (352.87 KB) 2004/5: Strikes at Ceritex call centres in France 2005: Bank clerks and dockers on month-long strikes in Greece Anti-capitalism and mass redundancies in Germany, 2005 Bangalore calling - global re-location of call centre jobs Capital moves: transport and logistics How and why should we fight against redundancies? Industrial relations reform in Australia and the campaign against it, 2005 Interview with Beverly J. Silver London bombs and G8-politics - terrorist acts of a system in crisis Rendezvous with call centre workers Scotland anti-G8 protest report, 2005 Update on the car industry, 2005 Book traversal links for Prol-position news 3 Wildcat Preface: Beverly Silver, ‘Forces of Labor’ Up 2004/5: Strikes at Ceritex call centres in France Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
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