Rebel City issue 7

Issue 7 of the London Anarchist newspaper Rebel City.

Co-published by London AF group, Haringey Solidarity Group, IWW, Solfed and others.
Contents: Housing, benefits, IWW, Community struggles & self-organisation, Corbyn & Momentum, Land justice, The Grenfell Tower Inferno & Mutual Aid, Antifascism in the time of Trump, Memory in history,  London Anarchist Bookfair, Direct Action Environmentalism.

Submitted by Fluffy on January 17, 2018




6 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by rat on May 22, 2018

Rebel City #8 is available at the Anarchist Communist Group's site under the publications tab:

The PDF version can be downloaded at the same site too:


6 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by rat on October 4, 2018

Surrey Anarchist Group made up of AF and ACG members were outside Redhill train station last week distributing the remaining copies we had of Rebel City No.8. We turned up there in the early evening just as the commuters were returning from London. Many people were interested in taking the anarchist paper. After handing out the Rebel City we wandered through Redhill town putting up AF and ACG stickers.

The new edition is out now, check:

PDF of Rebel City No.9: