An issue of The Rebel Worker with an international focus.

- IWW preamble
- Internationalism
- How to make friends and influence no-one - Craig T Beagle
- Modern Capitalism and Revolution (synopsis) - Paul Cardan
- Toward a renewal of libertarian researches - Rene Forain
- Miraculous Noon - Rene Crevel
- Perspective of the revolutionary movement of Japan: Zengakuren - Joji Onada and Torum Kurokawa
- Inaugural Break: Declaration of the International Surrealist Movement
- Song in time of drought - Benjamin Peret
- Scots against the war - Ian Sutherland
- Letters
- News from Spain - Frank B Gould
- What is what in the world of Labor? - Dust
- Notes on the world revolution of youth - Franklin Rosemont
- Berkeley was only the beginning (book review) - Penelope Rosemont
- Everything must be made anew (book review) - F.R.
- Malatesta (book review) - Bernard Marszalek
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