Winter 1965 issue including: children, Harlem riot, mods & rockers, bureaucracy, etc.

- IWW preamble
- The IWW here and now
- The unfree child - A.S. Neill
- The victims of the benefactors of the poor - Torvald Faegre
- Egyptian trouble - Murray Steib
- Harlem Journal, or homage to pandemonia - Richard S Calese
- Heresy - T-Bone Slim
- The fleas of the field - Benjamin Peret
- Mods, rockers and the revolution - Franklin Rosemont
- Conditioning for bureaucracy - Robert Green
- Letters
- Book reviews (Hungary '56, IWW anthology, Anarchism by an academic)
- Wobbles
- The basic question - Lionel Bottari
- Youth for Freedom - Tony Gibson
- IWW literature
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