Autumn 2016 edition of the Anarchist Federation's publication Resistance. Copied to clipboard Attachments resistance161.pdf (2.44 MB) Book traversal links for Resistance Issue 161, Autumn 2016 “Tories on bikes”: the Green Party in power - Anarchist Federation Up Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation) Printer-friendly version Anarchist Federation United Kingdom land homelessness rent strikes squatting Deliveroo Byron Hamburgers Postal Strike IFA nuclear Comments
1915: The Glasgow rent strike The history of a months-long rent strike of 30,000 Glasgow residents against profiteering landlords, forcing the government to freeze rents for…
Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation) Resistance is the Anarchist Federations publication on social struggles and analysis of them. This issue covers Grenfell, Fascism, Trump, the…
Snitches, stings, and leaks: how “Immigration Enforcement” works - Corporate Watch A detailed report into the functioning of the immigration enforcement system in the UK, following…
Activists squat £100m development after eviction of homeless protest camp A homeless camp set up in Brighton on April 5th to protest against a Public Space Protection Order …
Focus E15 Mothers: fighting London's 'regeneration' Focus E15 Mothers, a group of young women who met each other at the Focus E15 shelter in Newham, have occupied a group of flats on the Carpenters…
Cotters and squatters: housing's hidden history Colin Ward's Cotters and Squatters explores the story of squatter settlement in England and Wales: from our cave-dwelling recent ancestors to the…