The Vol. 4, No. 4 (Winter 1951) issue of Retort, an anarchist publication produced out of Bearsville, New York from 1942-1951.

Contents include:
-The two soldiers by Donald Wetzel
-The Catholic Worker movement confronts the modern state by Byron R. Bryant
-Poem by Jaime de Angulo, Dachine Rainer, Jackson MacLow, Martin Dworkin, Peter Russell, Vincent Ferrini, Francis Barry and David J. Peaker
-The epic of Father Gapon by Volin
-Review: Barbarism and sexual freedom, Sexual behavior in society and Authority and delinquency in the modern state by Alex Comfort (Review by Dachine Rainer)
-Review: Ego, hunger and aggression by F.S. Perls (Review by Holley Cantine)
-Some New Directions books by Dachine Rainer
-Review: Prison etiquette: the convict's compendium of useful information (Review by Jackson MacLow)
This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.