An extensive work on Russian narodism/socialism spanning from the Revolutions of 1848 to the assassination of tsar Alexander II in 1881.

1. Herzen
2. Bakunin
3. The Peasant Problem and Socialism in the Thirties and Forties
4. The Kolokol
5. N. G. Chernyshevsky
6. The Intellectual Movement of the Sixties: Dobrolyubov and Shchapov
7. The Peasant Movement
8. The Student Movement
9. The First Groups
10. The First Zemlya I Volya
11. Young Russia
12. The Kazan Conspiracy
13. Populism and Nihilism
14. Ishutin's "Organization" and Karakozov
15. Nechaev
16. Petr Nikitich Tkachev
17. Bakunin and Lavrov
18. The Chaikovskists and the Movement "To Go To the People"
19. The Working Class Movement
20. Zemlya I Volya
21. Narodnaya Volya
22. 1st March 1881
(23.83 MB)