Text by Shanin on Marx's (and Engels') Russian writings, including a number of primary sources relating to the Narodnik movement in Russia. Author Teodor Shanin Copied to clipboard Attachments late_marx_and_the_russian_road_shanin.pdf (6.92 MB) Russia capitalism Russian Empire Narodism peasants People's Will social democracy Comments
The People and the State - The People's Will An abridged editorial article that appeared in the second issue (No. 2) of the People's Will newspaper Narodnaya Volya, dated 15 November 1879…
Roots of revolution: a history of the populist and socialist movements in nineteenth century russia - Franco Venturi An extensive work on Russian narodism/socialism spanning from the Revolutions of…
Program of the Workers' Organization of the People's Will Extracts from the People's Will program prepared for its working-class members, written sometime in…
Program of the Executive Committee of the People's Will One of the versions of a program published by the Executive Committee of the Social Revolutionary…
A Critique of Philosophical Prejudices against Communal Ownership - Nikolai Chernyshevsky Extracts from Chernyshevsky's 1858 article criticizing the contemporary views on…
Peasant patterns of resistance - Peter Kolchin Extracts from a chapter of historian Peter Kolchin’s book Unfree Labor, describing a few instances of a type of serf-resistance in Imperial…