Text by Shanin on Marx's Russian writings. Author Teodor Shanin Copied to clipboard Attachments late_marx_and_the_russian_road_shanin.pdf (6.92 MB) Russia capitalism Comments
Did the Bolshevik seizure of power inaugurate a socialist revolution? A Marxian inquiry - Paresh Chattopadhyay Chattopadhyay applies Marxian categories to the Russian Revolution of 1917 to…
Media, Roma, and capitalism Recently, one morning a national television station invited a “model Roma” to repeat the cliché excuses that are given as liberal propaganda…
Capitalism and communism - Gilles Dauvé Excellent text from Gilles Dauvé outlining the development of capitalism, and communism as the real movement in everyday life which tends towards…
What is wrong with free money? Critisticuffs and Gruppen discuss Universal Basic Income (also known as Citizens income, Citizens Wage etc) and critique the idea from an anti…
Private property, substance of state - humanaesfera A detailed and concise analysis of what the state is and how it operates