Scottish councils back on strike alone

Local authority staff in Scotland are set to return to picket lines for another day after the employers refused to up their pay offer.

Submitted by Steven. on September 19, 2008

The strike will take place across Scotland on Wednesday 24 September. The move follows the earlier action on 20 August, which came after 150,000 members rejected an offer of 2.5%.

The employers' body, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, then indicated that they would discuss an improved offer which would take into account the rises in inflation, but those talks have seen no such improvement.

Meanwhile, council workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been demobilised by UNISON since their strike on 16 to 17 July for talks which have so far proved fruitless.

By refusing to name subsequent strike dates before going into negotiations, UNISON has left its members toothless.

Despite its leadership talking tough and claiming it is coordinating action with other groups of workers UNISON blocked joint strike action with other unions at the TUC conference. UNISON has also divided its members from each other, encouraging health workers to take three years of pay cuts, and even divided its local government members from each other between Scotland and the rest of the UK.



16 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by treborc on September 21, 2008

UNISON Labour/Labour UNISON. whats the difference none at all of late.