#11 cover Issue 11 of Shift magazine. Copied to clipboard Attachments Issue 11_Shift magazine.pdf (3.19 MB) Editorial - Opium of the people? An interview with Alberto Toscano British Islamism: towards an anarchist response - Paul Stott Fascism, fundamentalism, and the left From the Defence of the Present to the Control of the Future - Bertie Russell & Keir Milburn Nirvana holds no promise of ‘life after capitalism’ ‘What is the alternative?’ - Werner Bonefeld “No Messy Politics Please, We’re Anarchists!” Book traversal links for Shift #11 Neither National nor International: Notes against Europe - Ben Lear Up Editorial - Opium of the people? Printer-friendly version Shift Comments
A day in three parts - Nic Beuret Nic Beuret's account and analysis of the TUC-organised March for the Alternative on the 26th of March - in his own words, "What happened on the…
Occupied with conspiracies? The occupy movement, populist anti-elitism, and the conspiracy theorists Spencer Sunshine discusses the infiltration of the Occupy movement by conspiracy…
March 26th – The emergence of a new radical subjectivity? Alessio Lunghi and Seth Wheeler analyse the events of the 26th of March and the aftermath…
‘Bout to explode: a day in the life of a precarious worker As part of Shift Magazine's series on precarity, Juan Conatz describes a day in the work life of a…
Regroupment Interview 1: Collective Action This is the first interview in a series looking at new groups which have formed in the UK recently. We wanted to find out why new groups are forming and the politics informing their work. These were printed in the final issue of Shift. Originally published in September 2012.