#11 cover Issue 11 of Shift magazine. Copied to clipboard Attachments Issue 11_Shift magazine.pdf (3.19 MB) Editorial - Opium of the people? An interview with Alberto Toscano British Islamism: towards an anarchist response - Paul Stott Fascism, fundamentalism, and the left From the Defence of the Present to the Control of the Future - Bertie Russell & Keir Milburn Nirvana holds no promise of ‘life after capitalism’ ‘What is the alternative?’ - Werner Bonefeld “No Messy Politics Please, We’re Anarchists!” Book traversal links for Shift #11 Neither National nor International: Notes against Europe - Ben Lear Up Editorial - Opium of the people? Printer-friendly version Shift Comments
To ‘the movement’: on work and unions in an age of austerity - Tom Denning In an age of austerity, at a time in which industrial struggle seems to be on the agenda in a way in…
Homeowners: the gravediggers of capital Tom Fox casts a critical eye over housing co-operatives. Originally published in January 2012.
Regroupment Interview 2: Platypus Affiliated Society This is the second interview in our regroupment series looking at some of the new groups currently working in the UK and exploring the reasons behind their formation. Originally published in September 2012.
An interview with Alberto Toscano Alberto Toscano is a sociologist from Goldsmiths College, London, and author of Fanaticism: On the uses of an idea. In this email interview,…
International antinationalism! In this text written by Working Group “Just Do It!” of AntiFa AK Cologne, the authors lay out the perspective of "antinational communism"…
Regroupment Interview 3: Climate Justice Collective This is the third interview in our regroupment series looking at some of the new groups currently working in the UK and exploring the reasons behind their formation. With the return of direct action against power stations and fuel policies in the news is the time ripe for a return to climate activism? We ask the Climate Justice Collective for their opinion. Originally published in September 2012.