First issue published May 1962. Includes texts and artwork in French, German and English. Author Jacqueline de Jong Noël Arnaud Copied to clipboard PDF courtesy of Monoskop. Attachments The-Situationist-Times-1_1962.pdf (18.82 MB) Book traversal links for The Situationist Times #1 The Situationist Times Up The Situationist Times #2 Printer-friendly version 1960s Deutsch Français situationist PDF Comments
The Situationist Times #2 Second issue published September 1962, with artwork and texts in English, French and German.
The Situationist Times #6 Final published issue of Situationist Times, from December 1967. "International Parisian Edition" - contents are 33 artworks by 33 different…
The Situationist Times #3 Third issue of Situationist Times, published 1963. "International British Edition".
The Situationist Times #7 A selection of documents and correspondence relating to the unpublished final issue of Situationist Times. "The Pinball Issue".
The Situationist Times Complete online archive of The Situationist Times, an international, English-language periodical created and edited by Jacqueline de Jong, of…