In 1972 Solidarity (London) issued an index of its journal (up to Vol. 7 No. 2 - June 1972) and of the pamphlets published to that point.

- Index of Solidarity 1960-1972
- Solidarity Pamphlets
- Other Solidarity Pamphlets (not numbered in previous series)
- Solidarity Books
- Solidarity Reprints Produced By Other Solidarity Groups
- Pamphlets Produced By Other Solidarity Groups
The following is a list of the main articles published in SOLIDARITY over the last 12 years (i.e. between October 1960 and October 1972), and of various Solidarity pamphlets and books published during this period.
The classification of the articles is somewhat arbitrary and an occasional item will be found under two different headings. The list, which does not claim to be comprehensive, will give new readers and subscribers some idea of our range of interests and activities over the past decade. The articles are listed in chronological sequence, under the following headings:
- About ourselves
- Cartoons
- Civil Rights
- Documents
- General
- Historical
- Industrial (excluding motors)
- International
- Ireland
- Labour Party
- Motors
- Nonsense … or is it?
- Peace Movement
- Racialism
- Reviews (books and films)
- Scientists
- Songs and poems
- Students, youth
- Tenants and homeless struggles
- Theoretical
- Women’s Lib. etc.
- Workers’ Control
It will be seen that the considerable number of articles relating to the car industry has necessitated a special section on ‘Motors’ - which has in turn been further subdivided in relation to the main car firms.
References take the form volume number, issue number and page number. (For instance 3.7.19 means page 19 of issue no. 7 of volume 3.)
The first 5 issues of volume I of our paper appeared under the name ‘AGITATOR’. From issue no.6 on, the paper was called ‘SOLIDARITY’. Complete series of ‘ Solidarity’ and of ‘Solidarity’ Pamphlets will be found at the Library of the International Institute of Social History (Herengracht 262-266, Amsterdam C, Holland) and at the British Museum. Rather less complete series are also available at the Bodleian library, Oxford; at the University Library, Cambridge; at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh; at the Library of Trinity College, Dublin; at the Library of the London School of Economics, Houghton St., London WC2, and at University of Michigan Library (Labadie Collection), Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, USA.
The papers and pamphlets referred to in this bibliography are those produced by the original ‘Socialism Reaffirmed’ group - which early in 1965 became the ‘Solidarity’ group, and in 1969 the ‘Solidarity’ (North London) group. Other, entirely autonomous, ‘Solidarity’ groups have come and gone over the last 12 years. A number are active in various parts of the country, and are engaged in various types of agitational and propaganda work. Some have produced their own ‘Solidarity’ journals and pamphlets. An acceptance of the statement ‘As We See It’ - and of its implications - is the basis of recognition of these groups as part of a ‘Solidarity’ movement. Details concerning the publications of these various autonomous groups can be obtained by writing to them directly, at the addresses listed in each issue of ‘Solidarity’(London).
Communications about the present bibliography - or about our own pamphlets and books - should be addressed to ‘Solidarity’(London), c/o 27 Sandringham Road, London N.W.11.
August 1972.
Agitator introduced | 1.1.1 |
Letter to Readers | 1.3.16 |
A thorn by any other name... | 1.6.1 |
Introducing 'Bollocks' | 1.7.6 |
International Conference (Paris.May 1961) | 1.8.15 |
'Solidarity' 1913 | 2.1.11 |
Fan Mail | 2.1.21 |
Six Years Hard | 4.5.1 |
As We See It | 4.6.13 |
Structure and Function | 4.7.15 |
Glasgow meeting (May 1967) | 4.8.13 |
Solidarity Conference (Birmingham, March 1968) | 5.1.14 |
Solidarity Conference (Leeds, April 1969) | 5.10.21 |
Solidarity Conference (London, June 1969) | 5.12.24 |
Warwick meeting (October 1969) | 6.2.6a |
Their morals and ours | 6.8.25 |
Conference report (Glasgow, November 1971) | 6.12.4 |
International Meeting (April 1972) | 7.2.20 |
Entry tactic (the drowning Trots) | 1.1.19 |
The United Front | 1.2.19 |
The 'Socialist Review' sloth | 1.2.21 |
'Ghastly, my dear, I wasn't raped once!' | 1.3.23 |
'Psst, passed any good resolutions lately?' | 1.4.21 |
What we want is a Party! | 1.5.19 |
Taking them through the experience | 1.6.6 |
Keep the Bomb | 1.6.31 |
Problems facing new Archbishop | 1.7.5 |
'My knees don't tremble at the word revolution' | 1.7.29 |
Workers' Strontium 90 is good for you | 1.8.27 |
'Ere mate, which is 'bur' bloke?' | 1.9.33 |
If a bomb falls, what would you do? | 1.10.28 |
Pushing it through the proper channels | 2.2.27 |
Solidarity programme? | 2.6.28 |
'Personally, I feel that as a protest...' | 3.1.20 |
The Salesmen | 3.10.14 |
Non-violence (by Siné) | 3.12.1-13 |
Justices must not only be done... | 4.2.18 |
Let's go'with labour | 4.4.17 |
Uneven development of proletariat under capitalism | 4.9.2 |
Stay away from me, black man! | 5.2.13 |
'Brothers, I hear you've stopped work' | 5.3.15 |
'You hold the rope while I braid' | 5.8.12 |
'Your turn now, then me again' | 5.9.16 |
Thought for food | 5.10.4 |
One nation under law | 6.1.7 |
'Now you are in the inner circle' | 6.2.18 |
'Do you want to die from natural causes?' | 6.3.23 |
'No one denies he had the right to hold dissident views' | 6.5.5 |
Homo Marx to Homo Pekinensis | 6.5.10 |
Black Power VI | 6.5.24 |
The Young Workers Guide to Socialism | 6.6.11 |
Beware the Mao's trap | 6.10.7 |
Marxism-Leninism: the conception | 6.10.16 |
57 varieties, all unfit for human consumption | 6.12.30 |
The Golden Rule | 7.1.18 |
The civil liberties fraud | 2.3.15 |
Public Order, 1963 | 2.12.3 |
Your rights in their hands (the NAB) | 2.12.5 |
Bobby Liar (Terry Chandler and the Queen Fred | 3.2.1 |
The Bensen affair | 3.5.1 |
The finger print myth | 3.7.8 |
News from Borstal | 3.7.19 |
The Free Speech Movement and Civil Rights | 3.8.8 |
Who's kidding whom? (phone tapping) | 3.9.16 |
Borstal boy | 4.1.2 |
Detention Centre | 4.4.21 |
Police mob seize (Greek) Embassy | 4.8.1 |
Big Brother is watching you | 5.2.16 |
Natalia breaks with the Trotskyists I, | 1.2.15 |
The Civil Defence nonsense I, | 1.3.19 |
Down with the Army (Belgian leaflet) I, | 1.10.14 |
Against All Bombs (Moscow leaflet) II, | 2.5.1 |
German May Day leaflet | 3.9.13 |
The new Vauxhall' Agreement (Vauxfam leaflet) | 4.11.9 |
CBR Lockout (Lockout Committee leaflet) | 4.11.11 |
Stop Rent Rises (leaflet) | 4.11.25 |
Fight the closures (Solidarity leaflet) | 4.12.17 |
May Day Committee leaflet (1968) | 4.12.19 |
Council for the Liberation of Daily Life | 5.8.16 |
Maoists of the world unite! | 6.11.30 |
Work and War | 1.2.1 |
1.3.1 | |
Two demonstrations | 1.4.3 |
Sputniks and Socialism | 1.5.3 |
All-night café | 1.7.9 |
Labour Advice Bureau | 1.8.6 |
Democracy and Housing | 1.10.8 |
Two marches | 2.2.1 |
Trotskyists and barrow-boys | 2.4.9 |
Make the most of your telephone | 2.4.15 |
Jehovah's vanguard | 2.5.19 |
Beat the Heat | 2.6.11 |
Break it up (Town and Country) | 2.9.10 |
An afternoon with the Party | 2.9.17 |
Long day's journey into Texas | 2.11.17 |
Public Order 1963 | 2.12.3 |
Suddenly, last summer (The Profumo affair) | 3.1.1 |
Bullet in the ballot | 3.1.19 |
Politics 1964 | 3.3.1 |
The General Election | 3.3.21 |
Psycho ('social' psychology at work) | 3.5.17 |
The Naked and the Dead (issues of the 1964 election) | 3.6.1 |
Mommy in Toyland (manipulation in consumption) | 3.8.12 |
Bourgeois music . | 4.1.6 |
Black-out | 4.2.19 |
May Day 1967 | 4.7.1 |
Ulysses dowsed by Fire Brigade | 4.10.6 |
The Civil War Game | 4.10.6 |
May Day 1968 | 5.1.1 |
The economic crisis | 5.6.1 |
Libertarian left vs. Regina | 5.6.14 |
Sheffield: ad hoc, ad nauseam | 5.9.21 |
May Day 1969 | 5.10.1 |
Neither Castle nor Feather | 5.11.1 |
Thoughts about May Day | 5.11.24 |
Letter from a teacher | 5.12.17 |
Death pays a dividend | 6.2.23 |
Foundations and Empire | 6.8.9 |
Authority in Crisis | 6.9.1 |
The Politics of Community Action | 6.9.5 |
Carbon Black | 6.10.3 |
The Commune | 1.6.13 |
Kronstadt 1921 (Victor Serge) | 1.7.15 |
Solidarity 1913 | 2.1.13 |
Kronstadt (Ida Mett) | 2.6.21 |
2.7.24 | |
2.8.19 | |
2.9.21 | |
2.11.21 | |
Direct action-and the unemployed (1920-21) | 3.4.24 |
Ehrenburg and posthumous rehabilitation | 3.8.15 |
1945: the Saigon insurrection | 5.5.3 |
Then and Now:' interview with a KAPD veteran | 6.2.11 |
Polemic: a rejoinder | 6.3.17 |
The KAPD (Reichenbach replies) | 6.4.26 |
Trotsky... and the Suppression of Lenin's Testament | 6.6.17 |
(excluding motors)
Youth in industry | 1.1.7 |
Thrupp and Maberley (strike report) | 1.1.9 |
The Seamen's strike (1960) | 1.1.11 |
Sackings | 1.1.17 |
White collar worker | 1.2.5 |
Napiers and Frigidaire (strike report) | 1.2.12 |
Lift up thine eyes | 1.3.5 |
Constitution Way (a study in strike smothering) | 1.4.11 |
Workers battle automation | 1.4.20 |
Arsenal: narrow lead on points | 1.5.13 |
Redundancy | 1.6.7 |
The Standard Triumph strike | 1.7.3 |
Notebook of an engineer | 1.8.11 |
Britain: engineering | 1.10.3 |
France: iron-ore mining | 1.10.5 |
U.S.A. : auto workers | 1.10.6 |
Working to rule : the Post Office strike | 2.1.3 |
Withdrawal of good will | 2.1.11 |
Who sabots? | 2.1.15 |
A docker looks at the docks | 2.2.11 |
A busman writes | 2.3.5 |
The seamen | 2.4.3 |
The 266 dispute: how we won | 2.4.25 |
Freedom at work | 2.6.1 |
Don't shoot the operator! | 2.6.8 |
Busman's holiday | 2.6.19 |
What's in the package? | 2.7.3 |
Work sharing (Erith) | 2.7.8 |
A power in the land (power workers) | 2.8.1 |
The shop stewards in the power industry | 2.8.2 |
Dirty work at Crawley (Edwards High vacuum strike) | 2.8.13 |
We're allright, Jack | 2.9.1 |
We want work | 2.9.13 |
A call to London building workers | 2.12.1 |
When the lights go out in England | 3.1.5 |
Letter from a shop steward | 3.2.3 |
The shop stewards (other experiences) | 3.3.15 |
3.4.15 | |
3.5.12 | |
Buses and bosses | 3.2.13 |
The London Workers Association | 3.3.4 |
The Brotherhood of Man (strike breaking under the 1945-50 Labour government) | 3.4.1 |
As the busmen said... (letters) | 3.4.21 |
Automation in the typing pool | 3.6.3 |
News from Dockland | 3.6.11 |
Tea for two... hours | 3.6.15 |
A docker remembers | 3.7.21 |
Strings with everything | 3.10.1 |
The time of your life (clocking on) | 3.10.5 |
The milk run | 3.10.9 |
The path to Agreement | 3.10.18 |
Motors and modern capitalism | 3.11.5 |
Down at the Devon coast (catering) | 3.11.22 |
Apprentices in struggle | 3.12.1 |
No noose is bad noose | 4.1.3 |
Busmen on the move | 4.1.15 |
I don't want to be an engine driver | 4.2.13 |
The A.S.S. story | 4.3.3 |
A time for action | 4.4.1 |
Buses and people | 4.4.9 |
Don't pay the hangman (the political levy) | 4.5.7 |
Down you go, Jack (mining) | 4.5.14 |
Roberts Arundel | 4.6.5 |
May Day 1967 | 4.7.1 |
Roll on Friday (a day in the life of a London engineer) | 4.7.3 |
72-hour week on the South Coast | 4.8.15 |
The Oxford fiasco | 4.9.7 |
For a socialist industrial strategy | 4.10.1 |
The C.A.V. strike | 4.10.7 |
Barbican post-mortem | 4.10.26 |
The Trade Unions: the Royal Commission reports | 4.11.1 |
The cement worker | 4.11.13 |
The Seymour Hall Conference | 4.12.1 |
The land worker | 4.12.5 |
Work study | 4.12.11 |
Fight the closures | 4.12.17 |
The Woodall-Duckham Agreement and the C.E.U. | 5.1.3 |
Kellogg’s men break consolidated ceiling | 5.2.19 |
Injection Moulders lock-out | 5.3.1 |
The power struggle at Kings North | 5.4.1 |
The revolt at Brentford Nylons | 5.5.7 |
The Lucas empire takes a bashing | 5.5.17 |
The Aberdeen paper mills | 5.6.3 |
Furniture workers show the way | 5.6.19 |
Kingsnorth: the struggle continues | 5.7.1 |
Aberdeen shipyard | 5.7.7 |
Work - at whose expense? To what end? | 5.7.9 |
Furniture workers struggle: a follow up | 5.8.13 |
Links and chains | 5.8.18 |
Teachers learn the hard way | 5.8.26 |
Aberdeen paperworkers: follow-up | 5.10.5 |
Holman of Camborne | 5.11.9 |
The Punfield and Barstow strike | 5.12.1 |
G.E.C. : the balance sheet | 6.2.1 |
Nurses | 6.4.11 |
Pilkington and the G.M.W.U. | 6.6.6 |
The end of the road for a T.U. 'left' (Daly) | 6.7.16 |
Check the Bill! | 6.8.1 |
The Postal Workers' Strike | 6.8.29 |
A Day at the Seaside (U.P.W. Conference) | 6.10.9 |
U.C.S. and Plessey | 6.11.1 |
U.P.W. : the Party is over | 6.11.14 |
The Struggles continue | 6.12.1 |
The Miners' Strike | 7.1.1 |
Occupations: a follow-up | 7.1.7 |
Organising Burton's | 7.1.25 |
Caught in the Act | 7.2.1 |
The Manchester sit-ins | 7.2.8 |
On Occupations | 7.2.11 |
France and Algeria | 1.1.5 |
Cuba | 1.1.15 |
France: the farce continues | 1.3.3 |
Danish dock strike (April 1961) | 1.6.5 |
Letter from Ireland | 1.6.25 |
International Conference | 1.8.15 |
On the social structure of the new Cuba | 1.9.15 |
France: iron-ore mining | 1.10.5 |
U.S.A. : auto workers | 1.10.6 |
Down with the Army (Belgian leaflet) | 1.10.14 |
Algeria: November 1st (1961) | 1.10.19 |
News from Zengakuren | 2.5.29 |
Italy, 1962 | 2.6.2 |
Russian diary | 2.6.3 |
Some hints from Ireland (on how to stop railways) | 2.12.10 |
Athens convoy | 3.1.22 |
Algeria today (early 1960) | 3.3.6 |
Czechmate (a visit to Eastern Europe) | 3.5.23 |
Behind the wall (Ulbrichtland) | 3.7.16 |
Porto Marghera | 3.9.9 |
May Day in Munich | 3.10.26 |
A Maoist party in action | 3.12.15 |
Communists gaoled in 'communist' Poland | 4.2.5 |
Poles apart (the demos) | 4.3.11 |
Polish socialists (the Kuron-Modzelewski pamphlet) | 4.4.11 |
C.N.T. in crisis | 4.4.18 |
Vietnam | 4.4.23 |
4.5.18 | |
4.6.21 | |
4.7.24 | |
4.8.24 | |
West Coast scene | 4.7.19 |
The meaning of France | 5.2.1 |
France (posters of the Revolution) | 5.3.7 10-11 |
France - even in the Army | 5.3.8 |
Lying low (the F.E.R. and the events of May 10) | 5.3.14 |
The Internationale unites the human race | 5.3.19 |
Czechoslovakia: the end of an era | 5.3.22 |
Vietnam (October demo) | 5.5.1 |
Italy: the struggle at Iancia | 5.8.13 |
Two, three, many S.D.S. | 6.1.8 |
The Israca demo | 6.2.19 |
The Kibbutz experience | 7.2.15 |
Derry: how the people fought | 5.11.2 |
Ulster : withdraw the priests and parsons | 6.1.1 |
Occupied Ireland | 6.9.2 |
Ireland: another viewpoint | 6.11.23 |
More about Ireland | 6.12.17 |
Theses on Northern Ireland | 7.1.19 |
Cheap day return to Scarborough | 1.6.2 |
Labour Advice Bureau | 1.8.6 |
Wither peanuts? | 2.3.1 |
The Shagness Monster (or the Labour Party illusion) | 2.4.19 |
Sit-in at B.M.C. | 2.2.3 |
No Noose Is Bad Noose | 4.1.1 |
Italy 1962 | 2.6.2 |
News from Fords | 2.3.3 | |
What's in the package? | 2.7.3 | |
We're allright, Jack! | 2.9.1 | |
The Halewood story | 2.9.2 | |
I work at Fords | 2.9.3 | |
Two can play (Halewood) | 2.10.15 | |
What's wrong at Fords? | 2.11.3 | |
The defeat at Fords: some lessons | 3.8.22 | |
The defeat at Fords: more lessons | 3.9.19 | |
The Kevin Halpin story | 3.9.21 | |
Paths of struggle | 3.10.17 | |
Fords: inside the plant | 3.10.19 | |
Fords: what is to be done | 3.10.20 | |
Inside the Fords defeat | 3.11.10 | |
More on the Party at Dagenham | 4.1.23 | |
After the Ford defeat | 4.2.9 | |
Too old at 50 | 4.3.20 | |
Murder at Fords | 4.4.15 | |
Strike at Ford Genk | 5.6.9 | |
Ford: the implications | 5.8.1 | |
Ford: the settlement | 5.9.1 | |
Wildcat at Ford Mahwah | 6.1.3 | |
Ford: the second round begins | 6.2.5 | |
Ford workers, beware | 6.3.1 | |
Ford: round 2 (leaflet) | 6.3.7 | |
Stalemate at Halewood | 6.10.1 | |
News from the Shop-floor | 6.10.13 |
Renault workers fight back | 1.2.3 |
The Renault story | 1.8.3 |
Thrupp and Maberley strike | 1.1.19 |
B.L.S.P. strike | 1.9.5 |
Linwood-Rootes and the motor industry | 5.2.3 |
The Rootes-Dunstable sackings | 5.2.14 |
Linwood: the A.E.F. acts | 5.3.18 |
Hills Precision (Coventry) | 5.3.18 |
The Standard-Triumph strike |
Truth about Vauxhall | 2.5.7 |
More about Vauxhall | 4.8.5 |
Vauxhall 1967 | 4.9.1 |
The Vauxhall struggle | 4.9.3 |
Vauxhall: the management proposal | 4.9.27 |
More from Vauxhall | 4.10.28 |
Vauxhall follow-up | 5.1.11 |
Vauxhall militants, beware | 5.10.17 |
Inside Vauxhall | 5.11.21 |
Vauxhall: the crisis nears | 5.12.20 |
Vauxhall follow-up | 6.5.10 |
Sackings | 1.1.17 |
’Lift up thine eyes' | 1.3.5 |
Workers battle automation | 1.4.20 |
U.S.A. auto workers | 1.10.6 |
The shop stewards | 3.4.15 |
3.5.12 | |
Motors and modern capitalism | 3.11.5 |
The Oxford fiasco | 4.9.7 |
Is the Working Class a Great Conspiracy? | 1.1.19 |
Was the beak a wildcat? | 1.2.18 |
'Agitator's New Year's gift list | 1.3.18 |
Shaggy'dog story | 1.4.10 |
Lexicon for marxicologists | 1.4.18 |
Introducing 'Bollocks' | 1.7.6 |
Engineers, Scientists, Mathematicians... | 1.7.14 |
Humpty Dumpty splits again (a political pantomime) | 1.10.11 |
Political economy: the crisis of leadership | 2.1.19 |
Election sensation: Russia moves sideways | 2.2.10 |
Scratch, scratch | 2.3.27 |
Join the Army | 2.5.21 |
What's left? | 2.10.17 |
The Land Crab | 2.12.14 |
Hot air | 3.1.10 |
Labour advert | 3.4.20 |
Memo for Marxist Mums | 3.5.20 |
Are you in-fighting more but enjoying it less? | 3.6.10 |
Marxism: a revision(ist) course | 3.7.9 |
Pravda | 4.2.15 |
Sociologists in crisis | 5.1.16 |
Horse and Coach - a fable for our time | 5.3.12 |
Some thoughts on the Thoughts | 6.2.7 |
Revolutionary supermarket | 6.3.20 |
Red Satan strikes again | 6.4.21 |
Chasing the C.N.D. 'March' Hare | 1.2.7 |
The 'Party' and Polaris | 1.2.13 |
Stick-in-the-mud: a critique of the D.A.C. | 1.3.11 |
My Party, right or wrong | 1.4.8 |
The 'left' and the sit-downs | 1.7.1 |
Engineers! Scientists! Mathematicians! (ad.) | 1.7.14 |
From civil disobedience to social revolution | 1.8.1 |
Civil disobedience and the working class | 1.9.1 |
4 hours in a degenerated workers' embassy | 1.9.3 |
Sit-down critique | 1.9.9 |
Some views on civil disobedience | 1.9.25 |
Civil disobedience and the state | 1.10.1 |
The real conspiracy (the Pottle affair) | 1.10.22 |
A week at the circus (trial of the six) | 2.1.1 |
Machine gun thy neighbour | 2.1.20 |
Two marches | 2.2.1 |
Committee of 100: towards industrial action | 2.2.19 |
Empty the gaols! | 2.3.6 |
Peasant revolt in North Kent | 2.3.22 |
INDEC: to sit or stand | 2.4.13 |
Against All Bombs (Moscow leaflet) | 2.5.1 |
That leaflet | 2.5.4 |
Join the Army | 2.5.21 |
Rates refusal | 2.5.25 |
CND disarmed | 2.7.1 |
Councils of Action | 2.7.17 |
Had your W.E.D. yet, brother? | 2.7.20 |
Pied pipers of Glasgow | 2.7.21 |
Bureaucracy in action (Marylebone CND) | 2.8.24 |
Opposition in CND | 2.9.9 |
Canon Balls | 2.10.1 |
That was industrial action, that was! | 2.10.2 |
Danger! Party hacks at work | 2.10.7 |
The Oxford Conference (the divine dialectic in action) | 2.10.13 |
The King is dead | 2.11.1 |
Beyond counting arses | 2.11.7 |
Jail house rock | 2.11.15 |
Will we all go together when we go? | 2.12.27 |
A docker's call | 3.1.13 |
Bombe surprise | 3.1.17 |
Athens convoy | 3.1.22 |
Back to the fold | 3.8.1 |
Negro worker | 1.8.9 |
Route 4O sit-in | 2.2.7 |
The Negro struggle | 2.3.7 |
Tame dragons at the George | 2.12.23 |
In search of Harlem | 3.6.19 |
Black separatism and white sycophancy | 6.7.1 |
The Sheffield shop stewards | 1.2.11 |
Saturday night and Sunday morning (film) | 1.3.15 |
Workers battle automation | 1.4.20 |
'Law for the rich' (the abortion issue) | 1.5.14 |
The sins of Rachel Cade (film) | 1.6.31 |
The indignant heart | 1.8.9 |
Rocco and his brothers (film) | 1.9.13 |
Strike strategy | 2.2.17 |
Freedom riders speak for themselves | 2.2.17 |
Democracy at work | 2.4.30 |
The Bomb, direct action and the state | 2.7.29 |
The politics of the Nuclear Disarmament movement | 2.12.26 |
The Disarmers: a study in protest | 3.7.11 |
Mud pie: the CND story | 3.8.27 |
Errico Malatesta: his life and ideas | 3.10.12 |
The Organizer (film) | 3.11.8 |
Incomes policy, legislation and shop stewards | 4.3.10 |
Militant trade unionism | 4.4.17 |
The autobiography of Joseph Arch | 4.5.13 |
Russia in revolution | 4.7.12 |
The Russian terrorists | 4.7.12 |
Philosophy and Revolution | 4.7.12 |
L.S.E. what it is. How we fought it | 4.7.18 |
1967 'New Left' May Day Manifesto | 4.8.9 |
The Incompatibles | 4.9.22 |
Participation or control | 4.9.23 |
Taking London for a ride | 4.9.24 |
Marxism in modern France | 4.10.17 |
The German revolution of 1918 | 4.10.18 |
The Russian Anarchists | 4.11.20 |
Ben Bella | 4.11.23 |
Workers Control | 4.12.22 |
Not a penny on the rent | 5.1.18 |
Rank and file engineer | 5.1.18 |
The origins of the revolutionary movement in Spain | 5.1.19 |
The story of the Calais mutiny (1918) | 5.1.19 |
The Aberdeen Paperworker | 5.1.20 |
Literature and revolution | 5.3.16 |
Know your enemy | 5.3.17 |
France: the struggle goes on | 5.4.9 |
Student power: theory and practice | 5.6.8 |
Education, capitalism and the student revolt | 5.8.10 |
Damned | 5.8.11 |
Revolutionary movements in Great Britain | 5.9.17 |
The human sciences and philosophy | 5.9.18 |
Obsolete communism: the left-wing alternative | 5.9.19 |
The Hornsey affair | 5.12.7 |
Ultra-leftism in Britain | 6.1.19 |
Democracy in the motor industry | 6.1.20 |
Adalen '31 (film) | 6.3.15 |
Holy war in Belfast | 6.3.21 |
Struggle in the North | 6.3.22 |
L.S.E. : the natives are restless | 6.3.24 |
'Z' (film) | 6.4.7 |
Warwick University Ltd. | 6.5.18 |
Listen, marxist! | 6.5.20 |
The Pilkington strike | 6.6.9 |
Culture and Commitment | 6.7.21 |
Portugal: capitalist strategy, etc. | 6.7.22 |
Strike at Pilkington's | 6.8.4 |
Class Struggle and the G.M. Strike | 6.9.15 |
The Million Pound Strike | 6.9.15 |
The Postal Strike and the Tory Offensive | 6.9.17 |
Theses on the Chinese Revolution | 6.9.20 |
Marx's Grundrisse | 6.10.23 |
Work-counterplanning on the shop-floor | 6.11.15 |
Italy '1969-1970: new tactics and organisation | 6.11.17 |
The Great Brain Robbery | 6.12.10 |
Occupations (play) | 6.12.13 |
Growing up (film) | 6.12.14 |
What is class consciousness | 7.2.22 |
Ireland, dead or alive? | 7.2.27 |
The Scientist and the Commissar | 2.12.15 |
Socially responsible scientists vs. soldier-technicians | 6.6.1 |
Social Responsibility Ltd. | 6.7.9 |
Love me, love my dog (Lysenko) | 6.7.28 |
Scientist's dilemma: responsibility to whom | 6.8.21 |
BSSRS Conference | 7.1.30 |
Song of the anti-partisan | 1.1.4 |
Fifty years a miner | 1.1.13 |
The Black Sheep | 1.3.4 |
The Workers' Bomb | 1.5.5 |
The Deformed Workers' Bomb | 1.5.6 |
Stalinist Swan Song | 1.10.7 |
Humpty Dumpty splits again | 1.10.11 |
The Gospel according to Rule | 2.1.5 |
The Long Resolution | 2.3.11 |
The man without a country | 2.4.9 |
The falling rate of prophets | 2.5.6 |
Two poems (Brecht) | 2.10.12 |
Big Joe | 2.12.25 |
Our leader | 3.1.18 |
Songs Of justice | 3.3.18 |
The Yellow Peril | 3.4.14 |
Sex alienation | 3.9.12 |
Sketches: Notting Hill | 3.10.21 |
Nihilist song | 4.2.7 |
Talking Stalin blues | 4.2.7 |
Atomic alienation | 4.2.23 |
The P.T.A. plant | 4.4.17 |
The union official | 4.9.26 |
What happens to a dream deferred? | 5.10.16 |
It's so lonely when the tele goes off | 6.5.24 |
A War-Time Recipe | 6.10.13 |
Wanted! Tame youth | 1.1.13 |
Youth in industry | 1.1.7 |
Getting 'em young | 2.7.9 |
Berkeley, a follow up | 3.7.1 |
Clerk Kerr in Scotland | 3.9.26 |
School in the docks | 3.10.11 |
Do-it-yourself schooling | 3.10.27 |
The Caine mutiny | 4.5.9 |
Confrontation at L.S.E. | 4.6.1 |
School and factory | 4.6.4 |
The troubles in the valley (Essex) | 5.4.17 |
The Bristol sit-in | 5.7.18 |
Student revolt in search of positive self-consciousness | 5.8.6 |
Students challenge to bourgeois education | 5.10.10 |
Youth culture and the new revolutionaries | 6.5.1 |
Socialist Societies Meeting (Manchester) | 6.7.24 |
Rent strike (Crawley) | 1.5.7 |
Dartford 1961 - Council tenants fight back | 1.7.7 |
Democracy and housing | 1.10.8 |
An afternoon with the Party | 2.9.17 |
Eviction in Tunbridge Wells | 3.3.12 |
Hands off the homeless | 3.11.3 |
The King Hill story | 3.12.1 |
You CAN fight County Hall | 4.2.1 |
Victory at King Hill | 4.4.5 |
And now Abridge | 4.4.14 |
King Hill revisited | 4.10.24 |
Ealing Council and the Housing Crisis | 6.11.19 |
Is your manager really necessary? | 1.3.7 |
Revolutionary organisation: What is not to be done | 1.4.1 |
Why? | 1.5.1 |
How? | 2.2.23 |
Working class consciousness | 2.3.23 |
Revolutionary politics today | 2.4.1 |
Marxian claptrap? (letter and answer) | 2.4.23 |
The bourgeois revolution and the socialist
revolution |
2.10.19 |
Thoughts on bureaucracy | 2.10.21 |
Cardanalysis | 3.5.7 |
The Balkanisation of Utopia | 3.9.1 |
Consciousness and theory | 3.10.13 |
Cardan meeting | 3.10.22 |
The Fate of Marxism | 4.3.15 |
France: the theoretical implications | 5.4.9 |
Capitalism and Socialism | 5.6.15 |
Bread or freedom? | 5.7.22 |
Capitalism and Socialism: a rejoinder | 5.8.21 |
The industrial revolt | 5.11.15 |
On 'active minorities' | 5.11.27 |
Working class consciousness (reprint) | 5.12.9 |
The new proletariat | 6.1.11 |
Third Worldism or Socialism? | 6.3.9 |
The economics of self-management | 6.4.1 |
The economic fate of modern capitalism | 6.12.19 |
Whose right to self-determination | 7.1.15 |
Beyond coition | 4.6.9 |
Sexual Thermidor | 4.8.17 |
Letter about above | 4.9.19 |
Wife and mother | 6.10.17 |
Letter about above | 6.11.22 |
Our man in Skegness | 6.12.5 |
Participation: a trap | 4.6.15 |
For a socialist industrial strategy | 4.10.1 |
Lenin and the Workers' Councils | 5.9.7 |
The ambiguities of Workers' Control | 6.6.12 |
Unity for ever with the I.W.C. | 6.7.19 |
On the following pages is a list and brief description of the pamphlets we have produced (or in the production of which we have been associated) during the last years. Also listed are some of the pamphlets produced by other Solidarity groups.
Many of our pamphlets have been repeatedly reprinted, in fact until the stencils literally fell to pieces. Others are out of print and unlikely to be republished. Those still obtainable - or likely to be available shortly are marked with an asterisk. (Information about pamphlets produced by other Solidarity groups cannot be guaranteed as accurate and should be confirmed from the groups themselves.)
A complete recosting of all Solidarity (North London) productions is now being undertaken and we cannot at the moment quote costs for various items, except in very general terms:the prices will probably vary between 1/- (5 new pence) and 5/- (25 new pence).
Please write to us for further details.
1. RENAULT WORKERS FIGHT SACKINGS. A graphic account of the struggle, in the autumn of 1960, at the Renault works in Paris and Le Mans (written by rank-and-file French metal workers).
2. BELGIUM, THE GENERAL STRIKE (an ‘Agitator’-‘New Generation’ publication). An eye-witness account, in the form of a diary, of strikebound Brussels and Liege during December 1960 and January 1961.
3. WHAT NEXT FOR ENGINEERS by Ken Weller. A cool look at some of the problems facing engineering workers. Denounced by both the Economic League and the leaders of the A.E.U.
4. ‘BY THEIR WORDS YE SHALL KNOW THEM’. Selected correspondence, fully annotated, between the ‘National Secretary’ and certain ex-SLL members. A documented exposure of ‘democratic centralism’ in action.
5. THE STANDARD-TRIUMPH STRIKE by Tom Hillier, AEU, Jim Petter, AEU, and Ken Weller, AEU. The story of an ‘unofficial’ dispute. Introduction by the Secretary of the Strike Committee.
6. THE MEANING OF SOCIALISM by Paul Cardan. What is a socialist programme? The real contradiction in capitalist production. Socialist values. The case for workers’ management of production. A Solidarity classic (nearly 3000 copies sold).
7. THE WORKERS OPPOSITION by Alexandra Kollontai. A fully annotated account of the anti-bureaucratic struggle of 1920-1921 within the Russian Bolshevik Party. 80 pages.
8. THE B.L.S.P. DISPUTE by K. Weller. The story of a long, bitter, ‘unofficial’ strike in North London. How the union leaders acted.
9. THE CIVIL DEFENCE FRAUD by A. Anderson. How one man’s stand against bureaucratic authority brought real issues to the attention of thousands.
10. THE 100 VERSUS THE STATE (jointly with I.L.P.). The socialist implications of mass civil disobedience and direct action. Trafalgar Square, Wethersfield, the trial of the Six.
11. SOCIALISM OR BARBARISM. A redefinition of socialist objectives in the light of the events of the last 50 years. The text of the Paris Conference of May 1961.
12. TRUTH ABOUT VAUXHALL by K. Weller. A study of new managerial techniques. Better wages… but at what cost?
13. HOMELESS. The effects of the Rent Act and of the labour-controlled LCC’s administration of the ‘half-way houses’. The case for direct action, presented by the homeless themselves.
14. RESISTANCE SHALL GROW (jointly with ILP, London Federation of Anarchists and Syndicalist Workers Federation). A bureaucratic dream comes to grief. The implications and repercussions of the ‘Spies for Peace’ disclosures.
15. THE RSGs 1919-1963 by N. Walter. The Regional Seats of Government - or how our rulers prepare for civil war, conventional war and nuclear war.
16. BUSMEN, WHAT NEXT? Three busmen, an ex-busman and an engineer discuss the problems facing London busmen and suggest some solutions.
17. GLASGOW BUSMEN IN ACTION by Bob Potter and some rank-and-file Glasgow busmen. The full story of the Glasgow bus strike of April 1964.
18. STUDENTS IN REVOLT. The battle of Berkeley Campus. The first, upsurge against the University as ‘knowledge factory’.
19. THE LABOUR GOVERNMENT VERSUS THE DOCKERS, 1945-1951. Governmental strike-breaking with Labour in power (how it was done last time). A reprint from Solidarity vol. III, no. 4.
20. VIETNAM by Bob Potter. Useful background information on all the participants. The revolutionary socialist case.
21. K.C.C. VERSUS THE HOMELESS (jointly with Socialist Action). The story of King Hill Hostel, West Mailing. How a local authority was successfully challenged. Do-it-yourself politics in practice. Includes a postscript on how victory was achieved.
22. MOUNT ISA (The Great Queensland Strike) by Bretta Carthey and Bob Potter. The greatest labour dispute in post-war Australian history. Two thousand miners against the employers, the State authorities and the bureaucrats of the Australian Workers Union.
23. THE CRISIS OF MODERN SOCIETY by P. Cardan. The interlocking crises in work, politics, values, education, the family and relations between the sexes.
24. FROM BOLSHEVISM TO THE BUREAUCRACY by P. Cardan (jointly with Solidarity Glasgow). On various kinds of bureaucracy. Bolshevik theory and practice in relation to the management of production.
25. THE RAPE OF VIETNAM by Bob Potter. More background material on the participants. The struggle analysed in its wider context.
26. WHAT HAPPENED AT FORDS by K. Weller, AEU and E. Stanton, NUVB. The story of the 1962 strike. How management and unions together helped destroy job organisation.
27. THE KRONSTADT COMMUNE by Ida Mett. The full story, at last, of the 1921 events. The first proletarian uprising against the bureaucracy. Contains hitherto unavailable documents and a full bibliography.
28. THE DEATH OF CND AS PERFORMED BY THE GROSVENOR SQUARE DEMONSTRATORS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THEMSELVES ALONE. 15,000 people in Grosvenor Square despite the Establishment, the police, the pacifists, the Communist Party and the S.L.L.
29. GREEK TRAGEDY by Bob Potter. How the colonels seized power - and why they have (so far) retained it. Stalinism and the destruction of the Greek Left.
30. PARIS : MAY 1968 by Maurice Brinton. An eye-witness account of great events. The first historic vindication of our analysis of modern capitalism and of the nature of its crises.
31. THE GREAT FLINT SIT-DOWN STRIKE AGAINST GENERAL MOTORS, 1936-7 by Walter Linder. How to struggle… and win. On the need for a new strike strategy.
32. G.M.W.U. : SCAB UNION by Mark Fore. A close look at one of Britain’s biggest unions. Are the unions still working class organisations?
33. THE IRRATIONAL IN POLITICS by Maurice Brinton. How modern society conditions its slaves to accept their slavery. Sexual repression and authoritarian conditioning - in both Western and Eastern contexts.
34. SOCIALLY-RESPONSIBLE SCIENTISTS OR SOLDIER-TECHNICIANS? The social function of science in a class society - and the challenge to scientists. The Durham Resolution and its aftermath.
35. THE COMMUNE (PARIS 1871) by P. Guillaume and M. Grainger. The first proletarian attempt at total self-management. An analysis of the various interpretations (from Marx to Trotsky).
36. SORTING OUT THE POSTAL STRIKE by Joe Jacobs. An ex-postal worker describes a bitter, prolonged and unsuccessful strike. How NOT to wage the industrial struggle.
37. STRATEGY FOR INDUSTRIAL STRUGGLE by Mark Fore. How to link the struggle at the place of work, with the overall objective of workers’ management of production.
38. HISTORY AND REVOLUTION (A critique of historical materialism) by Paul Cardan. A further enquiry into the ‘unmarxist in Marx’. Can essentially capitalist conceptual categories be applied to precapitalist and non-capitalist societies?
39. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT? (The story of the Fisher-Bendix Occupation) by Joe Jacobs. Includes a discussion of the possibilities and limitations of occupations in general.
40. WORKERS COUNCILS AND THE ECONOMICS OF SELF-MANAGEMENT. The libertarian socialist alternative to private capitalism and to bureaucratic state capitalism. From workers’ management of the factory to workers’ management of society.
41. AS WE DON’T SEE IT. An elaboration .of the ‘Solidarity-statement ‘As We See It’, … specially designed for those who couldn’t read between the lines.
42. CEYLON : THE J.V.P. UPRISING. The ‘official’ left in power puts down an insurrection and maintains a reign of terror. How Britain, Russia, China and the USA achieved unity … to suppress the uprising.
(not numbered in previous series)
SOCIALISM REAFFIRMED. A translation of the Editorial in vol. I, no.1 of the French journal ‘Socialisme ou Barbarie’, The first text produced by the Socialism Reaffirmed group.
THE SOCIALIST PROGRAMME. Among the most dangerous and reactionary currents against which working class power will have to struggle will be not only bourgeois restorationist ones, but bureaucratic currents, opposed to total workers’ self-management.
WAR III by A. Anderson (Solidarity) and Don Bannister (Common Wealth), The war that has already begun - and how it is shaping our lives.
KRONSTADT ‘21 by Victor Serge, An erstwhile supporter of the Bolsheviks re-examines the facts and draws disturbing conclusions. A reprint from Solidarity vol. I. no.7.
ZNACZENIE SOCJALIZMU (The Meaning of Socialism), The first translation of a Solidarity pamphlet into an Eastern European language.
THE STRUGGLE FOR SELF-MANAGEMENT (An open letter to I.S. comrades). On the relations between types of revolutionary organisation and the types of society they are likely to bring about.
MODERN CAPITALISM AND REVOLUTION by Paul Cardan, The problems of our society (bureaucratisation, political apathy, alienation in production, consumption and leisure). What are revolutionary politics today? A fundamental critique of the trad. Left.
HUNGARY ‘56 by Andy Anderson, The first large-scale anti-bureaucratic revolution. The role and programme of the Workers Councils. A prototype of revolutions to come against State Capitalism.
THE BOLSHEVIKS AND WORKERS CONTROL 1917-1921 (The State and Counter- revolution) by Maurice Brinton. ‘Workers control’ or workers’ selfmanagement? The story of the early oppositions. An analysis of the formative years of the Russian bureaucracy.
CIVIL DEFENCE AND DIRECT ACTION. A Solidarity (Reading) pamphlet. Reprints from Solidarity vol.II, nos.3, 5 and 7° On how to make the most of local Council meetings.
THE FATE OF MARXISM (a Solidarity Clydeside pamphlet). Can a theory which set out not only to interpret the world but to change it be dissociated from its historical repercussions? (A reprint from Solidarity vol.IV, no.3.)
REVOLUTIONARY ORGANISATION. A Solidarity Clydeside reprint of articles appearing in Solidarity vol.I, nos. 4, 5 and 6. What is not to be done. The libertarian alternative.
CAPITALISM AND CONSCIOUSNESS. A Solidarity Clydeside reprint of some interesting articles by J. Evrard first published in Solidarity (Scotland) vol. II, nos. 3 and 4 and in Solidarity vol.III, no. 10. Also contains an article by P. Cardan on ‘Working Class Consciousness’, first published in Solidarity vol. II, nos. 2 and 3.
DAMNED - A Solidarity (South London) pamphlet. ‘The People’ versus Roy Mills. An adjudication on the Press Council by Andy Anderson.
THE SQUATTERS. A Solidarity (South London) pamphlet. A critique of the Ilford Campaign and of the settlement achieved.
MAIL ORDER MILLIONS. A Solidarity (North West) pamphlet. Wages, hours and conditions of work in the mail order business.
BUILDING WORKERS PAY DEAL. A Solidarity (North West) pamphlet. How the 1970 pay deal was foisted on building workers by management and unions.
FROM SPARTAKISM TO NATIONAL BOLSHEVISM. A Solidarity (Aberdeen) pamphlet. The flood and ebb of the German Revolution between 1918 and 1923. The strengths and weaknesses of the Workers Councils in an advanced industrial country.
THESES ON THE CHINESE REVOLUTION by Cajo Brendel. A Solidarity (Aberdeen) pamphlet. How state capitalism (in Bolshevik garb) came to China. The end of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ and the emergence of the new class.
THE FIGHT AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT. A Solidarity (Swansea) pamphlet. Some myths about wage claims. Productivity deals analysed. A call to step up the fight.
SOLIDARITY is a paper for militants - in industry and elsewhere. It attempts a total critique of modern society, and a systematic ‘demystification’ of its values, ideas, and forms of organisation. Discusses what libertarian revolution is all about.
Send £1 now to SOLIDARITY (London), c./o 27 Sandringham Road, London N.W.11, and we will send you all forthcoming issues of the paper and pamphlets to that value.
This is brilliant, thanks! I
This is brilliant, thanks!
I will link this to our Solidarity for workers power archive so it can be used as a reference