Solidarity Journal #22/23 Winter 1989/90

Double issue of the London Solidariy Journal from the 1980s-90s. Articles include Tianamen Square and the 350 British solidiers executed by firing squad in the First World War.

Submitted by Fozzie on November 24, 2021


  • Tianemen Square: Trading with China is Thicker than Blood - Milan Rai
  • Tianemen Square: Waiting for the Old Guard to Die - Tom Burns interviews a low ranking official of the Chinese government
  • Military Discipline: But he did for them all with this scratch rifle squds - Richard Schofield & Julian Putkowski
  • Book Review: Fiona MacCarthy's "Eric Gill" - Robin Kinross
  • Book Reviews: Mark Shipway's "Anti-Parliamentary Communism" and John Taylor Caldwell's "The Life and Times of Guy Aldred" - Sam Tolldady
  • Letters: Alison Weir and Liz Willis respond to the Satanic Verses article in a previous issue. Tim Wohlforth on Gerry Healy. Robert Peutrell responds to A K Barnard's article on the failures of the left in issue 20.

