Issue of Solidarity from 13 November 1969 with articles about disputes at Ford and GEC, and the KAPD and more. Copied to clipboard Attachments solidarity-602.pdf (1.9 MB) Book traversal links for Solidarity for workers' power #6.02 Solidarity for workers' power #6.01 Up Solidarity for workers' power #6.03 Printer-friendly version Solidarity PDF Comments
The Bolsheviks and workers' control: the state and counter-revolution - Maurice Brinton A remarkable pamphlet by Maurice Brinton exposing the struggle that took place over the running of…
The malaise on the left - Maurice Brinton Maurice Brinton of Solidarity's 1974 critique of the statist left.
Under new management? The Fisher-Bendix occupation - Solidarity Solidarity's excellent eyewitness account, with background information, of the Fisher-Bendix factory…
The Lordstown struggle and the real crisis in production - Ken Weller Fascinating pamphlet by Solidarity on the informal workers struggle against the frenetic pace of…
History as creation - Cornelius Castoriadis Castoriadis examines the interrelation between religious, Hegelian and Marxist philosophies of history, arguing that a true appreciation of human…
Solidarity: for workers' power (Aberdeen) #03 Issue 3 of the magazine of Solidarity (Aberdeen) with articles on Consolidated Pneumatic, the KAPD and the German revolution, housing in Aberdeen, technology and workers' control. From around 1968.