Soviet rouble in 1961 Information about wage differentials in the supposedly "socialist" Soviet Union in the 1930s. Copied to clipboard Attachments The Soviet Wages System.pdf (382.87 KB) Russia state socialism USSR work money Peter Peteroff PDF wage system Comments This is interesting, thanks This is interesting, thanks for posting.
What was the USSR? - Aufheben Excellent four-part analysis of the economic system of the Soviet Union examining the most common theories of its nature and pointing out their…
Community and Communism in Russia - Jacques Camatte This text was originally intended to be the introduction to a french language edition of two of Amadeo Bordiga's texts on Russia : Russia and…
Did the Bolshevik seizure of power inaugurate a socialist revolution? A Marxian inquiry - Paresh Chattopadhyay Chattopadhyay applies Marxian categories to the Russian Revolution of 1917 to…
Stalin didn't fall from the moon - Workers Solidarity Movement A collection of articles by the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement tracing the growth of Stalin's…
Labor discipline and the decline of the soviet system - Don Filtzer The issue of labor discipline lay at the very heart of the antagonistic relationship between the…
This is interesting, thanks
This is interesting, thanks for posting.