Anarchist statement on the 7 July 2005 London public transport bombings, initiated by

Translations available here: Dutch/Nederlands, Italian/Italiano, Polish/Polski, Spanish/Español,Turkish/Türkçe
As social anarchists and libertarian communists, we at deplore the horrific attacks on innocent people this morning in London. We express our deepest sympathy to anyone affected by the blasts. We condemn the use of violence against ordinary people and the perpetrators of the bombings whether they be Islamists or anyone else.
Terrorist actions are completely at odds with any struggle for a freer, fairer society and never help oppressed people in any part of the globe. Instead violence against civilians is a tool of states and proto-states every bit as brutal as the ones they profess to oppose.
The British Government, by sending British soldiers to kill and die in Iraq and Afghanistan has made all of us a target for terrorists in their pursuit of increased profit and power at the expense of ordinary working people.
We stand for a world in which human solidarity and co-operation replace the quest for profit as society's driving force, and stand in solidarity with all people fighting exploitation and oppression in all its form, from opponents to the occupation of Iraq here to those in Iraq who are opposing both the occupying forces and the ultra-reactionary Islamists that the Occupation helps strengthen.
Our thoughts today are with the victims of this atrocity, and their loved ones.
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More information▫ Statement of the Spanish anarchists CNT-FAI on libcom here