Maoism and its relationship with the terrorist cul-de-sac On the Red Army Faction, Tupamaros, nationalism, third worldism etc.
Dancing with the devil: On the politics of Green Anarchist, again! Black Flag defends class struggle anarchism against the nihilist-terrorism of Green Anarchist. Two…
Lockdown: Rewriting the Prevention of Terrorism Act - Black Flag An article about the Prevention of Terrorism Act from Black Flag #216 1999.
Lest We Forget — Roberto S. Verzola Roberto S. Verzola narrates his youthful experience in the National Democratic (Maoist) movement during the years of the Marcos dictatorship in…
Deklaro de la irana kolektiva “anarkiisma epoko” pri murdo de irana ŝtata teroristo Deklaro de la irana kolektiva “anarkiisma epoko” pri murdo de irana ŝtata teroristo
The Attack on Two Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman On the morning of June 13, two oil tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman. One was the Front Altair, owned by the Norwegian company Frontline,…
Anarchy #09 1972 Ninth Issue of the second series of Anarchy magazine. This issue focuses on Urban Guerrilla groups.
Comunicat de CNT Catalunya arrel del atemptat a Barcelona de Agost de 2017 A leaflet distributed by the Catalan CNT at the Barcelona anti-terrorism rally of August 26, 2017…