CNT Catalunya leaflet from the Barcelona peace rally of August 26, 2017 A leaflet distributed by the Catalan CNT at the Barcelona anti-terrorism rally of August 26, 2017…
The shade of swords - Jean Casseur Article on nihilism, and the loss of community and meaning. First published on the now-defunct Ritual magazine website, June 2015.
Intellectuals cheer as US moves towards global war in Syria Despite years of unqualified failure, nation's liberal intelligentsia announces full support as US…
The period of decline – Miguel Amorós Notes for a presentation delivered in September 2017 at the Gijon Anarchist Book Fair on the social, psychological and moral aspects of the…
Violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville ends in murder Charlottesville, VA – The “Unite The Right” rally took place as scheduled in Emancipation Park on…
Mexico: insurrectionary anarchist-feminist group bombs Episcopal Conference headquarters Mexico in recent years has become a hotbed of insurrectionary anarchist activity…
Violence in the women’s suffrage movement A brief account of some of the many violent incidents in the UK women’s fight for the right to vote in the early 20th century, by Steven Johns.
Call COBRA, that’ll sort it I originally posted this at Freedom News shortly after the Manchester bombing, but blow me if it's not strangely prescient on today's events as…
Manchester Arena atrocity: an initial response Our work creates the bulk of the world’s wealth which ends up in the hands of the capitalist class. They use the wealth we create to supply…
A half-blind communist with a sharp eye for the future. Marinus van der Lubbe (1909-1934) and his Reichstag Fire Interesting history of Marinus van der Lubbe, the young communist building worker…
The human costs of militarization in Latin America - Arturo Jimenez An article about the establishment of Operation Condor, an alliance between multiple right wing…
Califat et Barbarie - Tristan Leoni Tristan Leoni's three-part series of articles on IS and its 'caliphate', first published on DDT21 blogs.