PDF of the first issue of Subversion, mostly about the poll tax. Copied to clipboard Attachments subversion-1.pdf (458.13 KB) Book traversal links for Subversion #1 Subversion first issue Up Subversion #2 Printer-friendly version Subversion PDF Comments
Solidarnosc: trade unionism in Poland - Subversion Subversion look at Solidarność's role in the uprisings which preceded the end of Stalinist rule in Poland.
Subversion #9 Issue of Subversion with articles about Nestlé, animal liberation, Sylvia Pankhurst, the anti-Parliamentary communist and a review of Left-wing communism in Britain 1917-21… an infantile…
Subversion #19 Issue 19 of Subversion with articles about fighting the introduction of Job Seekers Allowance and the "three strikes" tactic, the Merseyside dockers dispute, strikes in Detroit newspapers…
Subversion journal Complete online archive of issues and articles from the UK libertarian communist journal, Subversion, which was published from 1988 to 1998.