Issue 16 of libertarian communist journal, Subversion, from 1995. Copied to clipboard Attachments subversion-16.pdf (2.5 MB) Auld Reekie anarchy B*llocks to clause four - Subversion The revolutionary alternative to left-wing politics Workplace and community Book traversal links for Subversion #16 What's wrong with anti-racism? Up Auld Reekie anarchy Printer-friendly version Subversion PDF Comments
Subversion #14 Issue of Subversion from 1994 with articles about the war in Ireland, SWP and militant, trade unionism, the media and more.
Subversion #6 Issue of Subversion from 1991 with articles about the UK public sector cuts amidst the recession, famine, the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the Gulf War.
Subversion #4 Issue of Subversion with articles about the coming Gulf War, Arthur Scargill, perestroika and the fall of the Soviet Union and the fight against the poll tax.
Subversion #11 Issue of Subversion from 1992 with articles about the government attacks on the working class in the wake of Britain's withdrawal from the exchange-rate mechanism, war in Yugoslavian,…
Subversion #8 Issue of Subversion with articles about diabetes, the Russian coup, Militant, the "New World order", Animal Liberation Front attacks on cheese shops and Marxism and anarchism.
IRA: anti-working class bastards! - Subversion A response to the 1993 Warrington bombings. From Subversion #12.