Issue 16 of libertarian communist journal, Subversion, from 1995. Copied to clipboard Attachments subversion-16.pdf (2.5 MB) Auld Reekie anarchy B*llocks to clause four - Subversion The revolutionary alternative to left-wing politics Workplace and community Book traversal links for Subversion #16 What's wrong with anti-racism? Up Auld Reekie anarchy Printer-friendly version Subversion PDF Comments
Solidarnosc: trade unionism in Poland - Subversion Subversion look at Solidarność's role in the uprisings which preceded the end of Stalinist rule in Poland.
Subversion #9 Issue of Subversion with articles about Nestlé, animal liberation, Sylvia Pankhurst, the anti-Parliamentary communist and a review of Left-wing communism in Britain 1917-21… an infantile…
Subversion #10 Issue of Subversion from 1992 with articles about the LA riots, anti-fascism, US autoworkers, class struggle in Malawi and more.
Subversion #5 Issue of Subversion from early 1991 with articles about the Gulf War, a strike in Turkey, the troubles in Northern Ireland and the poll tax and the official left groups.